So...I have my first substitute teaching job on Monday. I am so excited and also quite nervous. I love being in the schools. I feel like walking in to the elementary school here is like walking into church-like family. I haven't taught school since the '98-'99 school year, when I was pregnant with K. J is old enough to be with a friend for a day or two a week. While I can definitely use the money, I am more doing this to be prepared. What if my source of income changes? How can I support my kids? I just need to have my foot in the door. I need to know people and have experience under my belt. I want to be prepared.
Speaking of being prepared, I went to a funeral of a dear friend's mother today. It was a beautiful service. It left me thinking, "What do I want said about me at my funeral?" I want to be prepared by being the best me I can. I don't know when my time to go home will be. I want to have my children cherish the memory of me and know that I love my Savior, that I persevered through heartache, and that I try each and every day to live my life in accordance with God's standards. I want to be prepared.
Random, I know.
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