Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Week of Summer

Last week, I had so much to blog.  This week was our first week of summer and I really didn't take any pictures, so I don't have much to blog.  How nice!  A little bit of a break!

C did go to cub scout camp all week.  I have gone and chaperoned the last two years, but, due to my pregnancy, CK went with him this time.  C had a great time all week-even when it was canceled due to rain and thunder storms.  :)  He was so excited to have CK with him.  I love the bond that they share.

We also started our summer schedule.  It is working well.  K finds it easier to control her attitude when she is allowed to sleep in.  They also love "upstairs time."  This gives the kids time to play games together or watch a show together before "bed time."  It is definitely a win-win.  They get a later bedtime and CK and I get time together before we go to bed to read our scriptures, watch sports on TV, finish up the dishes, etc..  They so look forward to this time.  My children all do better with structure, so even a loose structure in the summer works better for our family than no structure at all. news of all....CK went up to St. Louis yesterday to get A.  They flew in last night and I am so grateful to have her here with us.  Our family is complete when we are all together.  :)

I still struggle with the non-idealness of our family.  A in St. Louis.  The other three kids gone for a portion of every week with their dad.  It just isn't how it is supposed to be.  I long for a nuclear, intact family.  But, that is not the hand I have been dealt.  And-in reality, I am so blessed.  I have four wonderful children and one on the way.  I have a husband that treats me better than I ever could have imagined.  Our marriage is amazing.  After all the heartache and sorrow, I am blessed beyond measure.  Life is by no means perfect.  I still experience much heartache with regards to my children and their struggles.  I haven't been there, but being a child of divorce is not easy.  :(  But, no matter the trial or the heartache, I have a loving priesthood holder husband to be right by my side, to comfort me and to inspire me.  I am truly so blessed.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Piano Recital

Just under two years ago, C and K both started piano lessons.  They are both talented and relatively focused.  I am grateful for the music in my home.  This year's piano recital happened last weekend.  They both were able to play marvelously!  I was impressed with their music.  They are rapidly improving and that is exciting!  

K has spent the last three years in choir and I know that choir has helped her piano and piano has helped her singing.  

C will being playing the cornet in the fall in 6th grade band.  The gentleman at the music store yesterday said that C taking piano will put him leaps and bounds above the non-piano taking students.  I am grateful that they are both developing these talents.
 C played "Cossack Ride" and "Funiculi Funicula."

 K played "Fly's Adventure" and "From a Distance."
Their music was beautiful.  Again, I am so blessed.  :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

5th Annual Last Day of School Waterfight

This is the 5th year we have done this:  Last Day of School Waterfight!  It has become a tradition that my kids and many of my friends and their families look forward to.  Everyone is welcome.  It is so fun!  I missed my old neighborhood this year.  We have always had the neighborhood kids join us.  I figured we would again.  Nope.  No one in our new neighborhood was even out and about.  Hmmm....maybe we will have to send invitations next year.  :)

I purchased 24 pencil shooters, 12 pizzas, a couple of totes for water-All worth it.  Thank goodness that many of my friends contributed some for the pizza.  :)

I have many more pictures, but this will be enough to remember all the fun we had this year.  Lots of friends. Lots of fun.  And, since it was VERY stormy earlier that morning, we were so blessed that it cleared up and we were able to have it as planned.  :)  All four of us got sunburned.  I did not put on sunscreen this year.  Bad Mom!  It was cloudy and overcast when we began and, amongst all the busyness, I did not.  My three kids, due to being half-Hispanic, had never been sunburned.  The good news is that now they won't complain as much when I make them put on sunscreen!  They now know one of consequences of not!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

No More Elementary School

 C.  My little C.  He is so grown up.  I didn't have (handy at least) my picture from his first day of Kindergarten- but this first picture is him in the middle of his Kindergarten year.  The second is of my big 5th grader-almost 6th grader- on his last day of elementary school.  He has changed and grown so much.

I am so proud of him.  During this time, we faced many challenges in our family and his faith and determination have carried him through.  He is a willing helper.  He was also voted Best 5th grade best friend in his class, as well as Most Admirable.  His teacher said these two awards don't ever go to the same person.  I think these awards mean more to me than his A honor role throughout the entire year.  I am impressed that he has made that much of an impression on his classmates.

 Here he is with his teacher, Mr. S.  Mr. S was the best teacher that he has ever had (according to him).  I have associated with Mr. S a lot over the years as I spend a lot of time at the school and I have frequently subbed for 5th grade.  He is a good man and C was lucky to have him.
 Here is C with one of his best friends, G.  They have been together since Kindergarten when they were also in the same class.
 And...Here they come: Ready for the 5th Grade clap out.  What a great group of kids.  What a bittersweet moment to walk their last walk in the halls of their elementary school.

 Here are the younger kids waiting for them.

 And, across the hall, the principal and some of my other favorites at this school.  :)
I loved this sign.  Their mascot is the gators.  She waved it and waved it at the 5th graders.  I thought it was very appropriate.

This good-bye was like a good-bye for me, too.  I have spent the last 6 years volunteering, mentoring, and just being in the school.  I have spent hours and hours there.  Now, we are moving on.  We moved and now J will start going to a different elementary school.  I will miss our old school.  I love the principal.  I love the counselor.  I love the teachers.  I love it all.  We have been very blessed.  I will miss them terribly.

C's Last Field Day

 J and I got to go and be a part of C's last field day.  It was hot.  It was awesome.  I have been so blessed to be at every one of K's and C's field days for a total of 8 years.  Since C finishes elementary school, he is done with field days, however, J starts Kindergarten this fall and the streak of field days will continue.  In fact, due to the baby being born in September, I know that I will have at least 12 more years of field days.  20 straight years!  Awesome!
 I absolutely love the above picture!  Look closely and you can see that C is concentrating-his tongue is sticking out.  :)

 C and the boys worked sooooooooo hard to beat the girls.  The girls outnumbered the boys and the girls won-every time.  They still had fun!
I think this was C's favorite event.  It was so hot outside and this water slide was not only fun, but also refreshing!  :)  He loved it.  Many kids came out muddy-both sides had mud pits at the end of the slide.  C was great about avoiding the pits and I am so grateful!  :)

There were more events-and more pictures, but these are my favorites.  It was so fun!

I am so blessed to be able to attend all my children's events.  I am grateful for both XDH and CK that have allowed me to be home with our children.  I am one lucky woman!


I love to blog.  I haven't.  DUH!  I have been busier than ever, but I do love to document my family's history.  I haven't been doing well at this and I am striving to do better.  I have been thinking the last few weeks that I really need to rededicate myself to blogging.  Then, as a further push, my children have been reading the blog books that I have printed- from 2007 and 2008- and I see how much they are enjoying our family's history in both pictures and words.

As a result, I have determined to take an hour or so each Sunday afternoon to document the events of the prior week.  This may not be as good as up-to-the-minute blogging, but it is what I can do right now.  We will see how much I can get done when I jump back into the nursing baby routine!