A cute moment this morning.
LD loves the bus. He loves it because it magically brings his siblings home to him. This morning early, but after we'd already dropped off K and C at school, LD heard the characteristic bus sounds as the middle school bus came into the neighborhood. He started saying "bu. bu. bu. bu." very adamantly and watched the window until the bus finally came into view. But, no matter how many times I tried to explain to him that it was not K and C's bus, he stayed by the window watching and waiting and loudly proclaiming, "bu. bu. bu." It was too cute. Maybe if I let the big kids ride to school on the bus instead of dropping them off....he would understand that the bus picks up kids not just drops them off.
Now, it is time for the bus to come and, guess what? LD is sleeping. Ugh. He missed his favorite time of day.
What Are You Working On?
1 week ago
LD is a cutie pie! Little P LOVED the bus last year, but this year not so much.
Thanks for eating lunch with me! :o)
Can you imagine his joy when he gets to ride it for the first time!?! My son "D" calls it "The Twinkie" then giggles that the white roof is the cream filling. There is just something intriguing about the bus the bus I guess! :)
I love that when the little ones are so excited to see their brother and sisters come home- such a sweet moment!
How cute!
So cute.
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