Gee. It doesn't seem so long since I last posted about a new calling...less than a year. For those of my blogfriends that aren't members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a calling is like a "job" at church. All teachers and leaders in our local congregations are non-paid volunteers. We are asked to perform a certain job by the leader of our congregation. We have the option to accept or decline. If we accept, we are then presented to the entire congregation for a sustaining vote. No position is sought after or campaigned for, but most choose to accept, no matter how difficult the "job" might be.
My new calling is 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. Again, for those not of my faith..the Relief Society is the women's organization in our church. Every sister (woman over the age of 18) is a member of this organization. Our mission is to serve others and bring each other closer to Jesus Christ. This organization, like all others in our church, is led by a President and two counselors.
I have so many thoughts and feelings about this calling. First of all, I KNOW it was from the Lord. Before I went to meet with the Bishop on Wednesday night, I knew who the President was going to be and I knew that I would be called as her counselor. No one told me. The Spirit just bore witness to my heart that that was what would happen. Isn't that awesome?
I am so excited to serve with the president and other counselor. They are both amazing women that I love so much. I do feel overwhelmed, but my main feeling actually is that I should be more overwhelmed than I am. Am I doing something wrong to not be too stressed or overwhelmed at this new call?
This is actually what is bothering me the most...that I'm not too bothered. I guess it is because I was Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Leader for two years just recently so...while it is a lot of work...I sort of know the expectations of this aspect of the calling. Then, I have been Compassionate Service Leader for the last 11-months or I have been working closely with the Relief Society President to fulfill the needs of the families in our ward. Also, I have complete faith and trust in our new president. I love her so much. She has always been such an example to me and I have longed to get to know her better. This is my chance! In addition, I have really been working hard at keeping my "houses" in order. I feel that I have the other aspects of my life under control enough right now that I can serve and spend more time doing it. Finally, I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers (even mine!).
Perhaps it is okay to feel peaceful about this call. I do worry some about coming up with ideas for Enrichment. The counselor that got released today was outstanding at doing that. I know I will spend more time in meetings than I did. still worries me that I don't feel completely overwhelmed. Is something wrong with me?
Snow Happens...
2 days ago
Wow! That is so exciting. You will do absolutely amazing at that calling.
I think it's a huge blessing to serve exactly where the Lord wants you to be and He's given you peace about it.
You'll do great!
I don't think it's wrong to not feel overwhelmed. I don't remember feeling overwhelmed by my calling. The Spirit (obviously) has been preparing you for it and now you're ready to jump in and serve! I'm so excited for you and J and A!
It sounds as if you were already prepared to accept this calling just by knowing you were to be called doing it. You shouldn't have to feel overwhelmed by a calling. I know some people feel that way, but just as many that feel a sense of peace as well.
...and besides... it's the same calling I have... and we're both pretty cool :)
It is the where you are suppose to be if you have such peace in your heart about it. And the spirit prepared you and so that tells me your prepared as well. I have been in that calling twice. It is a wonderful calling and you will be inspired to do what is needed. Keep us informed on how it is going or if you need any help. Take care.
I don't think any thing is wrong with you!! I think it demonstrates your faith....
I think it's great that you're not completely overwhelmed! I love serving as a counselor in a presidency because I didn't have the responsibility of the president, but could help and assist her an any way that she needed. So less pressure, but still of use and service to the ward.
Good luck in coming up with ideas for Enrichment. I bet that you'll do great! :)
So as not to be redundant... I won't repeat anything that has been said before. I'm excited for you! You'll do great and I'm sure you'll have lots of wonderful ideas!
If you Are Prepared ye shall not fear. There is a scripture to fit most situations. And this one not only fits this one but you in general!! You are awesome and as I said you will take it to greater heights and be much more organized at doing so.
Nothing is wrong, savor the moment! Right now I am in the easiest calling I've ever had (I'm primary secretary. I have been PS several times before and it was always so very hard. This time around I have a great presidency and am loving it.) I am trying to fully enjoy and appreciate it because I never know when the next difficult calling will come.
P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Congrats on your new calling. :) I think that would be a fun calling because you do get to work enrichment night. I am currently serving as enrichment night leader, among other things, and really enjoy it. As far as feeling underwhelmed, I'm sure the overwhelmingness will come and go as you serve.
Thanks for visiting my blog, it is nice to 'meet' you! :)
That is awesome! I miss that calling so much from time to time. I miss Relief Society all together though. Have fun with it you will do great!
You will be fantastic! I always remember what a good friend you were to me when we had just moved in. You had a tiny baby, but still helped me get things ready for my new one coming. You went to garage sales with me and helped me find baby stuff. Thanks for being so wonderful and good luck in your new calling!
You'll do great! Remember when you were the president? About 12 years ago. (Aaaah! It's going so fast.) I think you'll have a wonderful time getting to know those women better.
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