Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So...today was the culmination of a week of heartache and stress. I officially lost my dearest and closest friend. During my moments of extreme heartache, one of my best friends (J) gave me an "assignment" to list 10 things I am grateful for. At that exact moment, I felt everything but gratitude, but I listened and I do feel better. I am so lucky. I am so blessed. Who am I to complain? I am one of the lucky ones.

My list:
  1. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
  2. The Restored Gospel, including a living prophet.
  3. My children
  4. The temple
  5. Great friends/angels
  6. My education
  7. The scriptures
  8. My country, state, city, and neighborhood
  9. Financial peace
  10. Uplifting and inspirational music

See? I am one of the lucky ones! Now I have another "assignment" from J to go finish. She is a wise woman...definitely one of my angels. :)


victoria said...

I'm so sorry that you're continuing to have big ups and downs. A good dose of boring might be nice for you right about now, eh? Hope you feel better soon.

nikko said...

I guess this is why you never texted me back...

So sorry...

I have a good life said...

I did it, J! Both assignments. Thanks for the uplift. :) I am surrounded by angels. :)

Alison said...

You're right...J is a smartie!

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Jay said...

So glad you did your "homework!" Now for your next assignment...just joking! It's the teacher in me!

Have a HAPPY day!

Suzanne said...

Thinking of you!!! :)