they two fifth graders (okay, okay, S is not really mine...I just watch her before and after school and this is our 4th school year with, I claim her) and my third grader. I am so proud of them. They are great kids and I am already impressed with them this school year.
Snow Happens...
2 days ago
I think that is the longest I have ever seen C's hair!
What adorable children! They must take after their coolest aunt :) So I showed E the pics and all of a sudden she says, "What? That's not okay!" I asked her what the problem was and she said, "LD gets to go to school too?! But not me?" I had to tell her that he's just in the picture :)
What cuties!
Such cute kiddos. They are really growing up!!! Scary how fast the time is flying!
Lookin' good! Now... we just need to get our 5th graders together!
I can't believe they are so grown up, it's been way too long. I hope we can get down to see you sometime soon.
I've been catching up on your blog, I'm so sorry about your difficulties. I can't even imagine. I don't know any details, but I DO know that you are an AMAZING woman and a FABULOUS mother. Keep strong and know we are praying for you, along with all your other friends and family. We love you!
S is totally a part of your family! It wouldnt be a first day of school picture without her!!!
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