We went to our ultrasound yesterday. I am 19.5 weeks and counting. So far, so good!!! When we got home (after a 3.5 hour doctor's appointment-mostly waiting), We found the above at our doorstep. What a great idea! How loved we feel. It is anonymous. I checked with a couple people, but it wasn't them-or they are great at faking. I have been blessed with so many dear friends, that I cannot pin down who it could have been!!!! If you are my secret friend, thank you so much! This truly made my day. (I really think it was my sister-but I cannot pin her down and get her to admit it!)
And....THIS is the bag I opened. Yep, our baby is a little girl. I was surprised that I was disappointed. This whole pregnancy I have wished for a girl. CK has wished for a boy. Perhaps during the last few months I have changed my wish to his. I was definitely shocked that I was disappointed at all.
Not for long- This is what I found in the bag:
Isn't this outfit sooooooooooooooo cute?!? (Even cuter in person!) I think that shopping for my baby girl will alleviate any and all disappointment! I haven't had a baby girl in 13 years. This will be fun. I also LOVE patterns and this is my family now: Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl. Sweet!
Island Runner
1 day ago