This is a catch-up post. We had so much fun with my sister and her two kids (E-three years and S 20-months). Here is our week in pictures:

Don't I have a cute niece and nephew?

Girl cousins! We're ready for the Pumpkin Patch!

Here we are on the hayride. E was a little scared of the tractor and held on very tight to my hand.

It's Fall 2007 (
LD, K, and C at the Pumpkin Patch)

All dressed up for the local school carnival. S was a basketball player, C a Jedi, K a snow princess, and E Tinkerbell. They were very cute!

After church on Sunday I was surprised by a horse entering my kitchen with three riders! My sister's husband, P, is a great sport!
DH's birthday was on Monday. It was a little crazy to get ready for that and have my sister here and everything. We even got our hair done that morning for my birthday present to her. See my last post...isn't she cute?!? Anyhow...this is the cake that I made for DH. It turned out very good and I even impressed myself!

Goodbye hugs. It was so hard to say goodbye. I even took K and C out of school for an hour to say goodbye. They loved their cousins and their cousins loved them. It was so cute.
Here are some pictures from Halloween:
LD is Darth Vader.

K is 100 months old! Can you believe it? It goes by so darn fast. She is a wonderful girl and it makes me happy to be her Mama.

Last of this a model boy or what? This is the outfit my sister brought for
LD's birthday. It is
soooooooooo cute! I hope there are many more chilly days to come over the next couple of months so that I can dress him in this outfit again! :)