It is amazing how everything really does testify of our Savior. Everything.
For a few weeks, I have been working on putting in a basketball "court" in our backyard. It isn't even close to full size, maybe not quite half, but I did triple the size of our patio and put in an in-ground basketball hoop. I have had lots of help. I hired concrete workers to do that part. Then, I put a portion of the hoop together. Finally, my good friends have come over TWICE to help me with finishing it....TWICE...what good friends they are!!!!
After we got it all in and finished this morning, the thought struck me with great force that
no matter how hard I would've tried I could NOT put the hoop up by myself. It was absolutely physically impossible for me to do it alone. Doesn't that sound so familiar? NO matter how hard I try, I cannot return to my Heavenly Father by myself. It is impossible to do alone. That's why we have a Savior.
The second thought that also struck me with such force is that
it felt so good to turn over the project to T. I let him carry the burden (literally with the weight, and figuratively with reading/following the instructions to put it together). I knew it would get done right and it was such a load of worry off of me. Again, sound familiar? How many times is it such a relief to turn the burden over to Jesus Christ? We know He will do it right. We know he will carry the burden.
Amazing...all things
typify of Him.
PS....I have before, during, and after pictures that I will add to this post, but I have a VERY important football game to go watch (GO COUGARS!). I will post them later. Promise.Update (09/07/09): Pictures are here and the Cougars WON! :) Game worth watching!