These posts are definitely not in order. I am going back to the night before the wedding as well as the morning of the wedding preparations. I am so glad I documented this time via pictures. It has only been a couple of weeks, but it brings it all back to see the pictures.
The kids and I left the K Family reunion after K's birthday cake. I am so glad that I stayed in a hotel with my kids that night. My friends and my sister also chose to stay in the same hotel. How fun!!! :) It was the relaxation I needed before the wedding day.
Friday night, we all went to Olive Garden for dinner. There was one on the same property as the hotel, so it was an easy walk over.
These are two of my favoritest friends ever: J and A.

My sister and her family were able to join us there for dinner after a LONG drive. Their kids were awesome and I have missed them so much.

T is my niece. She and I had a lot of fun together. :)

After we got done eating, our dear friends that used to live in Texas, S and Q) came to visit. They brought C (who is my C's age) and B (who is K's age) to visit.

We tried unsuccessfully to steam the wrinkles out of my dress. We were told it would be easy. Hmmmm....Nope. Not so much. Oh well. It was too late to worry, right?

S and I.

Then, we decided we needed to practice getting this monster on. It was a chore. Q took the kids down to the pool and three ladies working on getting my dress on took almost an hour. :) It was a chore. I just stood there while they worked.

After we were all done, I started to worry about if it would be possible to go to the bathroom with the dress on. Hmmm....what a challenge! I love this picture! The toilet is closed...I am not using it, but just sitting there created a fun picture.

J at the pool.

Friends forever. I am so blessed.

J was pretty cranky all day, especially at the end. Finally, his whining ended and he was asleep on my lap. I love that you can see the dress hanging there waiting for the big day.

Wedding morning!!!!
I slept off and on all night...not nervous, but definitely excited. I also wanted to be sure that I had enough time to get ready without stress. Here I am after my early shower.

We all ate breakfast together. How we love our cousins!

I loved this shot of all of our shoes lined up and ready for the big day.

Make-up...of course!

Kids just bored and waiting for their time to get ready.

My dear friend, A, came to do my hair.

In this picture, you can see the dress and me with my hair half done in the same shot. Classic!

Good thing I have friends that can help do K's hair before the wedding!

And....within a few minutes, CK will come pick me up and off to the temple we will go. So blessed. So blessed. Life just doesn't get better than mine right now.