So, I am very very very behind on blogging. But, I feel it is important so I will keep trying and keep trying. Today I have been blessed with a few moments, so I will use them. Hopefully, I can keep up a little better.....after all, after this last week baseball is over and so it the AP test. Should ease things up quite a bit.
One thing that slows me down with my blogging is my beautiful new camera. I don't have a time efficient way to take pictures off the camera and resize them and add them to the blog. What makes it a little harder, is that I have some pictures on the awesome camera and some on my phone. Finding which is where and getting them off is a challenge that I just don't make time for.
This week has been another busy week. I think that if I at least document what happened (even if the pictures never make it), that we can remember the week at least somewhat. And, after all, I blog as part of my family's history. It really is for us.
So, these are some of the major happenings of the past week (not even close to ALL we was a busy week!), but these are the major things (most of which I have pictures for....fingers crossed that I add them!)
Monday: We began baseball playoffs for both boys. J's game was at six. C's game was at 8. J's team ended up middle of the pack. We weren't sure how they would do in this round 1. They won! It was awesome. They played well, including J. He has improved so very much. My sister and her family made the effort to drive down and be there to support the boys and that was fun, too!
After going to get Kalina from her AP review, I was able to watch C's game. C's team has had a difficult year. They hadn't won a game and were bottom of the barrel. We figured they would end up losing. :( This was the VERY BEST that their team played ALL season! They did very well. C got a fly ball and he got hits both times at bat. In the end, they still lost (9-10), but it was an amazing way to finish the year. For these poor boys I think maybe it was more difficult, though, since they played so very well.
I am grateful to CK for making it work for us to be there together for all of both games. The little ones got tired. Well, we all got tired. It was a late night, but we were able to be there together. I think it was a sacrifice worth making.
Tuesday: Among some other things, I took C to the high school to play his trumpet and try out for high school band. In our high school, they have three bands. Results were posted Friday night......and C made the highest band!!!! As a freshman! WooHoo!!!
Wednesday: Slightly lighter: pack meeting, AP review, and K had her letter jacket fitting. Yes, K lettered in choir this year! Wow! Great job, K!
Thursday: K took her AP World History test. We won't know the results until summer, but I am sure she did really well. She has taken it seriously and has studied hard since the beginning of the year. Since she took an AP test last year, she knew a little bit more of what was involved and worked so hard for it!
Also on Thursday, J has his round 2 baseball game. It was so fun to be there and support him. His team hung in there really well at the beginning, but ended up losing (to the #1 team in the league). J got two hits (doubles both) with two at bats. He had quite a few RBIs.
Due to the game, we missed J's PACE Evening with the Experts, where the GT kids display their research project and project.
Friday: J had field day at school. I am so very grateful that the weather was a little cooler and cloudy. My MS body doesn't do well in heat, especially in the sun. Because it was cloudy, I took Baby C and V and we went and supported J. I am so glad I got to go. It is important to me to be there are support them as much as I can.
Also on Friday (again, among other things), was C's final middle school band concert. It was amazing. I am wondering why we ever paid for symphony tickets when we could for free go listen to the honor band of the middle school. He was one of two awarded Outstanding 8th grade boy. :) He was also one of three nominated for best musician (he did not win that one).
So, that is part of our past week. Documented! WooHoo!
This week is lighter, but still plenty to do, of course. It is the end of the school year after all. And, our old home goes on the market tomorrow. It is a bittersweet time for sure. I loved that home. It is very nice. I really love it. I hope that a very nice young family buys it. The local schools are amazing. The neighbors are great. The yard is an extended size. It is great, but a little small (1600 s.f.). I know I shouldn't be sentimental about a THING, but I do feel a loss as we work to sell it. How grateful I am that our renters are so gracious as we put it on the market!
Island Runner
2 days ago