pictures were taken 3/1/13. I don't know what is wrong with my camera
this time, but it really thinks they were taken LAST year! No! No! No!
All pictures were taken 3/1/13!!!
Friday was a busy day for us. We have had a very busy February and will
have a very busy March. Just the way life is when you are so blessed
to have so many kids and so blessed to have each of them very involved.
This is the wonderful life we get to lead! :)
Speaking of lead, C had the lead in his school's UIL play competition. There are five middle schools in the district. Three of them have theater programs and these 7th-8th graders practice much of the year for the play. Our school does not. I was surprised when C came home from school announcing that he wanted to try out for the play. At first, he wanted to help with crew, but then he got a desire to try out.
Auditions were strenuous. One thing he had to do was find (on his own) a monologue, memorize it, and deliver it. He did very well. So well, that as a SIXTH grader, he was cast as the lead in the play,
Candid. Now mind you for this play he has monologue after monologue. He has page after page of lines. He memorized them all. He got to work on the play for two afternoons a week for just over a month. Kudos to that brave teacher that decided to take this project on!
Friday was his competition. Since this was their only performance, parents were encouraged to attend. CK, K, my sister - S, and I went to watch. (Yes, I took K out of school to watch, but it was only a half day and so she missed only about an hour.) A dear friend watched V and J while we went.
C did amazing. Way better than I expected. He was loud, articulated, knew every line, and really got into his parts and the emotions of each scene.
We were not allowed to take pictures or record the performance at all, but it was great!
He had to stay and watch all the other performances as well, so we left him there. CK had taken time off work so he went back to work and K and I went to get the other kids. We went back in the evening for his award ceremony. At the ceremony, we waited.... Honorable Mention Cast Members: Nope. All-Star Cast Members: Nope. At this point, I thought he might get a bigger award, because he had done so very well, but....I hadn't seen the other four performances so I didn't know.
And....Best Actor comes up...it was C!!!!! How cool is that!!!
I had a difficult time with my camera last night and just never got a clear shot. This camera isn't great any way, but I seemed to struggle more than usual for some reason.
Then, with the acting out of the way, they started to name the top three plays. Third Place: Nope. Second Place: YES!!! Not bad for a little middle school with no theater program!
C with Mrs. H, the teacher that directed the play. Both were so happy! |
And...a high school saw their performance and offered to have them perform it as an opener for their one-act play. Cool! :)
I am so proud of C. I am so blessed to be his Mama. I am so grateful that he is choosing to develop these talents.
In other news, I am also proud of K. She is also in UIL competitions and for Dictionary Skills, she got FIRST place. Sweet! What great kiddos I have. I am so blessed.