Thursday, February 26, 2015

Great Day

Today is my birthday.  38 has treated me well so far.  More to included!  :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Great Friends

So, I truly have some of the best friends ever.  I have been blessed with old friends and new friends.  I cherished having a dear best friend all throughout high school (We are still friends to this day ...and I even named V after her).

This is one of my angel friends, J.  She is one of the most amazing women on the planet.  We have been best friends for years and even though we no longer live close, we are still close.  I am so grateful.  She does a ton of sacrificing for me...with my two little ones and the MS, she does almost all of the driving so we can spend time together.  She is a true example of Christ-like love and a desire to be as he is.
  This is my dear friend, J.  She lives across the street from me.  She is Christian in every sense of the word.  It is such a treasure to me that we can lift each other up and support each other as we strive to live as Christ.  I love that I have a neighbor I trust completely.  It is so helpful, especially when I need help with my kiddos.  I have no reservation with her watching them.   

 I love people.  I love getting to know so many wonderful people that share the planet with me at this time.  I am so blessed and these two friends show it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blue and Gold

It was J's first Blue and Gold as a cub scout.  It was fun and very well done.  I love our leaders.  J and CK made the cake for the Dad/Lad cake contest.  J's award was he was "1 in a minion" because of his curiosity and desire to learn.  Very true of J.  :)

In other news, my nephew will be born tomorrow!  Sooooo excited!!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Baby C is ONE!!!!!

It seems impossible, but it has happened. Baby C turned one. His birthday was on Friday. We actually had to start the celebration Thursday night, because Big C had a basketball tournament starting Friday night. We had his favorite foods for dinner. We had chocolate cake, which he has liked in the past, but did not really enjoy this time. He is a very picky eater.  We are really working hard at getting him to try some new foods. 

He and all of his siblings, especially V, love his new toys he got for his birthday.

I am so grateful that he is in our family. I know he is supposed to be here. He brings so much joy to our lives. He loves to laugh. And we love to hear him laugh. He loves his siblings and he loves his parents. He is enjoying figuring out how to walk. He just takes off and walks to the middle of the room and then plops down.  He doesn't seem scared at all. He doesn't like us to hold him and let go, but he likes to let go of whatever he is holding and start walking.  Sometimes he has a destination, sometimes he does not. He, unlike all of his older siblings, is not a talker yet. I guess it helps that he has so many people to interpret what he is saying that he does not need to speak clearly. The funny thing is that he can say everybody's names relatively clearly. But, common words he does not say. He also doesn't say mom or mama.

I am, obviously, disappointed and that he is growing so quickly and that I will never experience these stages again in my children's lives.  But, it is so much fun to see his personality come out. It is so much fun to be able to enjoy life with him.

I sure love you, Mr. Mago.

(And, like usual lately, the pictures are not in order. I may or may not have an opportunity to rearrange them, but at least they are here.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This Last Week in Review

I don't know why all these pictures are in a random order....maybe eventually I will reorganize them into the right order, but maybe I never will.  This last week included beautiful weather and an impromptu evening at the park.  We also attended C's all district Band concert.  V went to story time.  V and C played a video game. K played with baby C.  J turned 100 months old.  C had a basketball game (where they won pretty easily and C had an amazing steal turned into a layup).

Of course, our week entailed many more things. These are only the few that I captured with pictures.  I truly lead a blessed life.  One of the things I am and forever will be grateful for is the advances in technology that allow me to capture these moments with pictures. I know that these moments are fleeting. In what will seem to be no time at all, these children will be grown and gone. I'm so grateful to have the pictures to help me remember. Maybe someday I will be able to afford a nice camera, but that day is not today. Still, with the camera I have, I am blessed to be able to capture these moments.