Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This Last Week in Review

I don't know why all these pictures are in a random order....maybe eventually I will reorganize them into the right order, but maybe I never will.  This last week included beautiful weather and an impromptu evening at the park.  We also attended C's all district Band concert.  V went to story time.  V and C played a video game. K played with baby C.  J turned 100 months old.  C had a basketball game (where they won pretty easily and C had an amazing steal turned into a layup).

Of course, our week entailed many more things. These are only the few that I captured with pictures.  I truly lead a blessed life.  One of the things I am and forever will be grateful for is the advances in technology that allow me to capture these moments with pictures. I know that these moments are fleeting. In what will seem to be no time at all, these children will be grown and gone. I'm so grateful to have the pictures to help me remember. Maybe someday I will be able to afford a nice camera, but that day is not today. Still, with the camera I have, I am blessed to be able to capture these moments.

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