Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I went grocery shopping early (6 am!) yesterday morning for the holiday week. I am glad that K went with me-we ended up needing two carts. When I got home and we unloaded all the groceries, this is what I saw:

Monday, November 22, 2010
K and E
E has been K's best friend since Kindergarten. E has moved a few times (including living in Mexico for a year and a half!). K has had (and still has) many great and wonderful best friends, but there is still something extra, extra special about E. With our schedule with K going to her dad's and E living half an hour away, we don't get to get them together that often. When we do, though, it is like they'd never been apart. That is the extra special friendship that they share.
I am so grateful to A (E's mom) for putting forth the effort to get them together. We had planned to meet up at the museum with all the kids, but my back was really sore and I knew that wasn't a good idea for me. So A took K with her kids and took them ice skating. They had a blast and I know the memories will last forever.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Piano Recital
Today was K's and C's first ever piano recital. They have been taking lessons since August. They are both naturals at the piano and it is fun to see them progress. They performed amazingly well. It was definitely a proud mama moment. I love their piano teacher. One thing that is really neat is that we got to perform the recital at a nursing home. I loved how my children are learning to share their talents. What a great lesson.
K played Horse and Sleigh and Greensleeves. She performed them beautifully!
C played Russian Sailor Dance, Clock Shop, and Legend of the Buffalo. He was amazing as well.
I have an amazing sister and brother-in-law. I didn't even think about inviting them to the recital (DUH!). I casually mentioned it last night and down they came....4 kids in tow. All the kids were super quiet and sat through the whole recital without a peep. I cannot express just how grateful I am for their support of me and of my kids. I am so grateful that they live so close and that they are so unselfish and always willing to share their time and energy.
We went out to brunch after the recital (which they snuck off and paid for!!!! yikes and thank-you!). It was yummy, but crazy -in a fun way- with 3 adults and 7 kids. Then we came back to my house for Rock Band and hanging out. It was so fun. The kids found some masks that we had used in preschool. They proceeded to play RockBand with them on. It was cute and fun and a perfect way to start our Thanksgiving break!
Friday, November 19, 2010
I am missing someone. I do miss my 33-year-old man I am going to marry, but it isn't him. It is A. She is 6 1/2 and a ball of energy. I miss her. I love her. I wish there was a way to see her every weekend. My heart is breaking a little tonight. :(
Monday, November 15, 2010
St. Louis
This weekend, I got to fly to St. Louis and spend time with CK and his daughter, A. It was a wonderful time. I was only there about 40 hours total-so not even two days. But, it was so great to connect with A and to spend much needed time with CK.
First thing Saturday, we went swimming. It was fun. A obviously loves it.
After getting cleaned up and ready to go, we went out to a yummy lunch and then visited the Gateway Arch. Very cool.

Here are A and I at the top. It was a crazy little car you had to ride to get up there. It was very cool, though.
Some of the things we could see from the top:
This is the tiny little hallway to get to and from the top. It was very crowded and cramped. A lot of people in a small space.

We then drove to the outside of the St. Louis temple. The gates were closed because the temple was closed for cleaning, but we drove around the outside. One thing CK and I plan to do together is attend a session in all the temples in the United States. Because there is more every year, this will be quite the challenge, but I think we will get to all of them!
First thing Saturday, we went swimming. It was fun. A obviously loves it.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Changing of the Tide
So....I am headed to visit CK tonight. I am excited.
It has been an odd week for me. I have struggled with my children. I have followed a prompting and it is taking some time. I have had an on-going headache. I have felt a little disconnected from my life. Today is better.
But, I just had an experience I have to document-at least for myself. I was reading a few paragraphs in a book I own. It talked about a temple sealing from the view of the sealer. My eyes watered. And then I realized what had happened. My eyes FIRST watered as I anticipate the joy of being sealed to CK. THEN, my eyes watered as I thought with sorrow on the temple sealing that I had with XDH. It was supposed to be for Eternity. It is not. But, I have another chance with a man that loves me even more.
Not so long ago, the sorrow would've come first before the future joy. The tide has changed. I am so glad.
As part of my prompting, I have been needing to revisit how I felt at the beginning of all that happened with XDH and me. I am so grateful for the loving hands of a Father in Heaven who has protected me and taken care of me through every day, every heartache, and every difficulty. I am sooooooooooooo blessed.
It has been an odd week for me. I have struggled with my children. I have followed a prompting and it is taking some time. I have had an on-going headache. I have felt a little disconnected from my life. Today is better.
But, I just had an experience I have to document-at least for myself. I was reading a few paragraphs in a book I own. It talked about a temple sealing from the view of the sealer. My eyes watered. And then I realized what had happened. My eyes FIRST watered as I anticipate the joy of being sealed to CK. THEN, my eyes watered as I thought with sorrow on the temple sealing that I had with XDH. It was supposed to be for Eternity. It is not. But, I have another chance with a man that loves me even more.
Not so long ago, the sorrow would've come first before the future joy. The tide has changed. I am so glad.
As part of my prompting, I have been needing to revisit how I felt at the beginning of all that happened with XDH and me. I am so grateful for the loving hands of a Father in Heaven who has protected me and taken care of me through every day, every heartache, and every difficulty. I am sooooooooooooo blessed.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Day that Wasn't Supposed to Be
Today is a day that wasn't supposed to be. I have been scheduled to sub today for about a month. I had a place for J and we were all set. I was even looking forward to it: 5th grade, which is my favorite. But, yesterday afternoon, the school called. The teacher I was subbing for had his conference canceled so he would be at school and not needing a sub. All of a sudden I had a day...8 hours I hadn't counted on having this week.
So, what do you do with a day that wasn't supposed to be?
So, what do you do with a day that wasn't supposed to be?
- Clean the kitchen extra well.
- Clean out / organize your daughter's closet (I only spent an hour will need more)
- Take your 4-year-old to the new library storytime (old one is better).
- Talk to a great friend that moved away a couple of years ago...talked to her for over an hour.
- Eat lunch and laugh with said 4-year-old
- Mow, edge, blow out, and prepare for fertilizing your front lawn.
- Get ready to go to the temple tomorrow.
- Wash sheets and re-make beds.
- Go mentor a 3rd grader at the elementary school.
- Enjoy!
I am such a list person. I always have much that needs to be done and even more that I want to do. It is nice to have this unexpected day. :) And, tonight will be super duper busy, but tomorrow I get to go to the temple (hurray!) and then we have a calm week. That hasn't happened since school started. -sigh- So nice. And then, Friday I head to see CK. I can't wait. 3 days!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Week in Review
** Pictures to follow...ha ha...we will see if I really get around to that. But, it is my plan! **
Okay...I am obviously not blogging as much as I want to. Life just has so much wonder to fill it with-24 hours just isn't enough. But, it is what I've got and so....I want to blog about this last week of life.
First, I got the best email/letter/card/note that I have ever received yesterday from CK. He is so perfect for me. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that knew that and brought us in to each other's lives in a way that would work. Without some of the bumps along this path, we would've gone down separate roads and missed the joy we now find together. It is amazing how much clearer things are when looking back. I see Heavenly Father's hand in everything that happened, even the moments of heartache.
Second, I have now listened/watched/read all of October's conference talks at least once. I feel so blessed as the Spirit of this conference is present in every aspect of my life. I feel so incredibly lucky.
Now, for the events of the last week or two:
Okay...I am obviously not blogging as much as I want to. Life just has so much wonder to fill it with-24 hours just isn't enough. But, it is what I've got and so....I want to blog about this last week of life.
First, I got the best email/letter/card/note that I have ever received yesterday from CK. He is so perfect for me. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that knew that and brought us in to each other's lives in a way that would work. Without some of the bumps along this path, we would've gone down separate roads and missed the joy we now find together. It is amazing how much clearer things are when looking back. I see Heavenly Father's hand in everything that happened, even the moments of heartache.
Second, I have now listened/watched/read all of October's conference talks at least once. I feel so blessed as the Spirit of this conference is present in every aspect of my life. I feel so incredibly lucky.
Now, for the events of the last week or two:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happiness is Right Around the Corner
It seems I am not very good at using my allotted 24 hours in the day....I am so busy and always have a lot that I want to do that doesn't make the cut and doesn't get done. Blogging has been one of those things. As my life changes for the better, I have been failing to document it. :(
But, this weekend was perfect. CK was here and I couldn't have dreamed up a better weekend....from the first hug to the last tear goodbye, it was perfect. As I sit here and ponder about the weekend, I remember back to two years ago. Life was tough. I asked my home teacher for a blessing. I distinctly remember in that blessing the words, "Happiness is right around the corner." It took me longer to get to that corner than I would have liked, but now that I have turned it, I am so happy and I know the promises then have been fulfilled in a way that I could never have imagined.
So, this weekend....Friday night CK's flight got in about 8. I took the wrong exit and was late getting to the airport and then there was traffic. It was so frustrating to be able to see the man I love and him me, but not be able to be together as we waited for the traffic to move so that I could pick him up. That night we played games, ate a little supper, watched a movie, and cuddled. It was perfect.
Saturday, CK made me breakfast...yummy! Then we worked on cleaning/organizing the garage. It was so fun and I loved getting something done that has needed to be done for a long time. We even went and bought wood to create some shelves in my garage. Again, perfect! Lowe's and CK.....What could be better!?! After cleaning up, we went out to lunch-such a great date! Then, we came home and prepared for the kids to come back. We went to trunk-or-treat and then had a late dinner of crepes.
Sunday, we went to church. That afternoon we went to my sister's for dinner. It was so fun. I am glad that they have a chance to get to know CK and CK them. After the kids went to bed, we read scriptures and prayed, just like every night and then.....looked at rings online. :) I am in awe at how blessed I am to have the opportunity to marry this wonderful man. The time is not yet, so it seems like forever, but it will be here quickly. (The picture below is of CK getting the steaks ready for dinner-hence the gloves.)
Monday, we got the kids ready and out the door to school, got ourselves ready, played Rockband, ate lunch, and drove to the airport. :( :( So hard to see him go. When he left there were only 11 days until we will be together again, but 11 days seems like torture. I never knew how people could do long-distance relationships, but now I know....the only options are to stop dating or to just deal with it. I choose CK and dealing.
But, this weekend was perfect. CK was here and I couldn't have dreamed up a better weekend....from the first hug to the last tear goodbye, it was perfect. As I sit here and ponder about the weekend, I remember back to two years ago. Life was tough. I asked my home teacher for a blessing. I distinctly remember in that blessing the words, "Happiness is right around the corner." It took me longer to get to that corner than I would have liked, but now that I have turned it, I am so happy and I know the promises then have been fulfilled in a way that I could never have imagined.
Saturday, CK made me breakfast...yummy! Then we worked on cleaning/organizing the garage. It was so fun and I loved getting something done that has needed to be done for a long time. We even went and bought wood to create some shelves in my garage. Again, perfect! Lowe's and CK.....What could be better!?! After cleaning up, we went out to lunch-such a great date! Then, we came home and prepared for the kids to come back. We went to trunk-or-treat and then had a late dinner of crepes.
It is difficult to describe how perfect he is for me, although I want to. Here are just a couple of things:
- He laughs at me. :) Never in a rude way, always out of love. I am learning through this to not only laugh at myself, but that it is okay to not be perfect. This is one thing I love about him so much. It is like my mistakes are cute to him, not end-of-the-world and I so appreciate that.
- He respects me. Most would laugh at our "line" and how conservative it is, but I know he would never try to push it into somewhere we both don't want to be until we are married. I am so grateful for this.
- He works hard. He desires to help me with whatever task lies in front of me, from dishes to the garage to Christmas shopping. He genuinely desires to make my life easier. I know we are still courting, but I definitely believe that this won't change much as we transition into being married. It is difficult for me to let go and allow someone to help me as I have been working alone for so long.
- He loves the Lord. He is always the first to suggest we read scriptures and pray. He is quick to want to attend the meetings that we should be at. He loves the words of the prophets and we have both enjoyed reading Conference talks from 1971 (the first ones available on the website) together.
- He is patient with me. I have some trust issues left over from the pain of the last couple of years. That trust cannot be developed in a single day, but he waits patiently, displaying at every turn that he will not leave and that he will always be here for me.
I am so lucky. I am so blessed. I feel that the Lord has indeed taken care of me and led me to true happiness for me and my children. This is the first day of the rest of my life and I am so grateful. :)
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