So, yesterday CK and I went to the temple!!! We have been planning on this date for a couple of months. Our November date didn't work out...TWICE! Grumpy baby and busy older kids that needed driving. But, we got to go yesterday!

I took this picture with my phone as we drove in the parking lot. I did NOT edit it. I did NOT photoshop it. I did absolutely nothing to it. I think it was the fog that the camera caught, but it looks so cool.
So, to back up, my friend and visiting teacher, Sister G came and watched V and Baby C. She is an angel to donate a full day for me. We left at 8:50 and figured we had a good chance of making the 10:00 session. But, then we got on the freeway. It was moving nicely. Sweet! Then it STOPPED. Completely stopped for about 40 minutes. It was frustrating. Here Sister G was donating her time so we could sit in a car on the freeway. They had shut all lanes down so we could not even more to exit.
But, my friend, mentor, and angel, J, was texting with me and said she would say a prayer for us. And, quickly, the freeway was reopened and we started moving. This was humbling. I am usually one who turns to the Lord immediately in any circumstance, good or bad. BUT, with all my frustration, I did NOT pray for assistance. I guess I thought He already knew we were headed to the temple and He could help us. But, everything we pray about He already knows. That doesn't mean we stop praying! I was humbled for sure.
It was a wonderful session and tender mercies and inspiration abounded. It was nice to be "home." My MS has really been acting up, but I knew that God was pleased with the desires of my heart and I knew that I can trust in His abilities to create healing and miracles. I did not have any impression as to whether this is His plan for me, but I was reassured that He could should He choose. Something I already knew, but the reminder is precious.
Yes, my MS is worse than it ever has been. I have heard that for people with MS the holidays are always bad...fatigue and stress...two horrible things for the MS. I have a loss of balance, numbness in my leg and arm, and some memory issues. -sigh- Not fun. But, I know that this life is short and I know that I will be protected by the Lord. If I put my faith in Him, I will have all that I need. I am so blessed. So very blessed, indeed.