Anyhow, I thought I'd take today's post to catch up on some things I never blogged about:
- The local water park (8/17 /07) It was a fun excursion, but we probably won't ever go again...too expensive for what you get. We were pushing it to stay a full two hours. We'll hit some further waterparks and spend more time there!
- The Star Wars exhibit (08/22 /07) Thanks to Nikko, we got to see it for a discounted rate. It was like others said...worth the discounted rate...not worth full price. LD was really cranky so that part was not fun, but C loved it and K liked it more than she would EVER admit.
- I was nominated three times for the Nice Blogger Award. Thanks, guys. It is a honor.
- DH has had a crazy busy week at the clinic (busy is good when you own your own business, right?) so I am making him his favorite dinner...even though it has to cook in the oven for an hour (hey..I made cookies for the kids on AC should be used to me by now!). I am just grateful that I am not in the clinic right now like I was two months ago. We were about ready to go insane, literally.
- I got to go to the temple on Tuesday. Thanks to my friend, A, who watched LD for me so I could go. It was very nice...but traffic was HORRID-both there and on the way back. I also felt a little wasteful driving my minivan all the way over there with just me in it. I do wish a temple was closer, while at the same time, I am so grateful that we have one this close. Does that make any sense? If not...blame it on the head cold! :)

- Well, have a great weekend, y'all!
- There are fireworks here locally since we got flooded out on the 4th. I love fireworks, but the super smart people that decided Labor Day would be a good substitute decided to put them at 8:30 at night on Monday night...a school night. By the time they do the show and we fight the traffic, we probably won't be home until 10:oo. Probably too late for school. UGH! Why couldn't they do it Saturday night? That would've been perfect. I guess we'll see if we go...probably not...DH isn't really excited about going anyhow.