I just have to post about LD so I don't forget. It is another reminder to become as little children.
As is well known, these past months have been difficult for me. Many times I have found myself praying aloud in the car while going from place to place. Whenever LD asks what I am doing, I always reply, "Talking to Heavenly Father." Even when he comes in a room and finds me on my knees, I tell him I will be with him when I am done "talking to Heavenly Father."
Well, twice in the last few weeks, LD has shown the great faith of a two-year-old. First, we were grocery shopping and they were testing the alarm system. Every time it would go off, LD would bow his head on the cart. When the testing would finish, he would look up and say, "I told Heavenly Father I was scared. He said it would be okay."
Then, this week I really wanted to find my camera. I had it that morning when I posted on my blog, but it was no where to be found that evening. Frustrated, we left without it. While we were driving LD pipes up from the back seat, "Shhhh...Mom. I am talking to Heavenly Father about your camera. Now we will find it 'cause I told him we needed it."
Oh, the faith of a child. And, yes, LD, I love talking to Heavenly Father, too.
Another Year ~ Finished!
3 weeks ago
These are very sweet stories. We can learn a lot from children (it also sounds like your child has learned a lot from you).
Oh, that was so special, thank you for sharing that -- look what you two are learning from each other! SO wonderful!
That is the sweetest thing ever! Such a special moment.
What a sweet boy and what a wonderful example you are to your family!!
what a wonderful wonderful story. I love that LD's prayers were answered.
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