Today was C's baptism into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so proud of him. He is such a special boy with a very special spirit. The baptismal service was so spiritual and so beautiful. C was beaming when he walked into the font. There were so many people there. I hope he saw just how many and felt how much he is loved. It was a hard decision for him with all that has been going on in our lives and he so wanted his dad to baptize him. But, in the end, he decided to be baptised. It was so wonderful. What a great day!

Here he is with MW, who confirmed him (a family friend) and PS, who baptized him (my brother-in-law). Both Grandpas were the witnesses.
This is a picture of many of the people that were there for his baptism, but we had quite a few others that had to leave prior to these pictures. Aren't we so lucky to be so loved? Family, Friends, and Ward Members galore...all there to support C and to support me and my family. How special.

One last thing, the parents are asked to do a short bio on their child being baptised. The Stake President reads it before the baptisms are performed. Here is C's (what a great kid!):
C was born in Portland, Oregon on July 10, 2001. He has an older sister and a younger brother that both love him very much. He is so excited to be baptized. He has been reading his bible regularly since he began reading at four-years-old. His dedication to the scriptures has always amazed and impressed his family. His favorite scripture is Helaman 5:12. He says, "I like it because it talks about having a strong testimony and how if a testimony is so strong nothing can break it down." His favorite primary song is "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus." He loves this song because he wants to be like Jesus so much. This shows in C as he loves helping and serving others. He is frequently the first one to volunteer for an assignment. While he is small in stature, he is a great leader in his school classes. Other children look to him as the leader in his classroom. He excels at school and enjoys participating in PACE (the Gifted and Talented program). He loves to play basketball and is a very gifted point guard (although he is missing a game to be here today!). He also enjoys art and building things with Legos. He is fortunate in that he excels at pretty much everything he tries. C's entire family is so proud of him and the excellent young man he is becoming. We love you, C!