Wednesday, November 25, 2009
They are gone...
Yuck. This is so hard. K was sobbing when we had to say goodbye. We have never been apart this long in her whole life.
I still don't understand how DH could do this to me, let alone his own children. So many consequences. Every new one so difficult.
I am sure that next year's holidays will be a little easier. But, for now, this is really, really hard. I still want to be with him myself. Then, I also want our family to be together, especially for the holidays.
So...on that lovely note...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!
I am sitting here after cooking all day with the combined smells of pie, sweet potatoes, stuffing, and turkey. -sigh- It smells heavenly. We are having "Thanksgiving" today so that we can have one together before the kids go out of town with DH. It has been a wonderful day. It feels like a holiday.
I bought a bunch of wood as part of my preparedness kick and we moved it all to the back this morning. Then, we have been cooking, cooking, cooking. :) The kids are happy, I am happy. It has been great. My sis and her family are on their way down and it will truly feel like Thanksgiving to be surrounded by family.
BTW: Thanks for all the offers I have received for somewhere for me to be on Thursday so I am not alone. I truly appreciate them.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
LD and a firetruck
At this time of year of being thankful, I truly am thankful for our firefighters and policemen/women and others that serve me to keep my family and I safe. Thank-you!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
So much for one a day! Catch-up Continued
We went a second time to the Pumpkin Patch so the big kids could go. It was even muddier than the first time! This is the mud that got on the socks in the "mud-free" area around the bounce houses (I actually just threw the socks away and had the kids go sock-less after this):

Sunday, November 15, 2009
It was me
As many of you know, last week we had Stake Conference. I went to the evening adult session on Saturday night. The second half really threw me for a loop....among the lowest of lows loop, including extreme discouragement, frustration, depression, and a feeling that I could not go on. Thank goodness I have loving friends and leaders that guided me quickly out of this loop and I have had a great week.
But, last night I reread my notes from the first half of that Saturday night session. This is some of what was said:
- "If faith, fasting, and priesthood blessing doesn't heal you, Atonement will."
- "When you are doing the Lord's work, your children are in His hands and His hands are always better than your hands."
- "All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
So, it was me. I had all the answers even before the pain started. It was me that turned away and allowed myself to feel that extreme anguish. He had already given me the answers. It was me.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Gymnastics - October 26, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sailing - October 24, 2009
One thing that really struck me was how scared I would have been if I did not trust these two people that were sailing the boat. It was very windy and many times the boat tilted way over to one direction or another. It was all part of sailing, but without that trust I would've been terrified. I guess that is a type of the trust that we need in our Savior. We don't have to be terrified of this life. He is the sailor and He knows what He is doing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
National Anthem at Minor League Hockey Game - Oct. 24, 2009
K was so excited. Here they are on the ice waiting for the time to sing.

Unfortunately, the sound guy messed up or something. They didn't play the choir's music for the National Anthem. The choir didn't get to sing and the show went right on. Those poor kids and teacher. They all got out on the ice, didn't sing, then all walked back off the ice. They were so disappointed. While the team was unable/unwilling to do anything about the situation that night, they did promise to invite the choir back later in the year and, since we all had to buy tickets (even the choir members), that they would give us all free tickets for the second game.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pinewood Derby - October 23, 2009

Now, for the race itself. C's car won the first three-four races easily. It looked great. His face was pure joy, especially when he won that very first race. Then he lost one. This put him in the playoff race for third place. He lost that one, too, ending up 4th. He was devastated. Oh well. It was still worth it. He really had so much fun. But, it doesn't matter how often you tell an 8-year-old that "winning isn't everything," they still wish that they had won.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Backlog of Posts...Pumpkin Patch - October 16, 2009
- Pinewood Derby
- Hockey Game
- Sailing
- Gymnastics
- Pumpkin Patch #2
- Halloween
- Firetruck
- Haircut
- Camping
- Field Trip
I really am striving to keep them in chronological order.
OK. I don't know why the words above all of a sudden went blue and underlined. I am just happy to actually post please forgive it!And, as long as I am spouting out about nothing, I am sitting here basking in the smell of homemade bread. I have had the feeling for about a year that I need to be baking my own bread for my family. I am finally acting on it and Mondays are always bread day. We've tried all is Oatmeal Honey. It is yummy! Luckily my kids are on board and don't mind taking the bread in their lunches!
Now, this post is almost a MONTH overdue. Yikes. I went with two of my dearest friends and their sons to a local pumpkin patch. LD loved it. One of the only bad parts was the mud....I tried to take a picture of it, but you really can't tell. With all the rain, it was sooooo muddy and your feet just sank in. It was very, very muddy and gooey.

What a great day! :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"He's a Bad Guy...."
DH took all the kids to the NBA game that I got him tickets for last night. Late night, but they had fun. This is what happened this morning:
LD was playing with his fan from last night. He says, "Mami, this guy is a bad guy." I look at it and it is a player from the other team. I said, "He helped beat the Jazz, right? That is why he is a bad guy." LD looks up at me and says, "No, he is a bad guy because he steals stuff. I saw him steal from the Jazz. Stealing is bad. He is a bad guy."
Too cute. :)