We always get so excited when DH takes a Saturday off. This Saturday, DH and I decided to surprise the kids with a day full of adventures. First, we woke them up around 5:30. That was not met with great excitement, but since it was going to be over 100 degrees we had to start early.
Our first stop was to buy a very nutritious breakfast of McDonald's and doughnuts (they never get these things....so it was a HUGE treat!), as well as bananas and orange juice. 

We then drove for an hour or so to a nearby state park where we hiked and rock climbed (I even climbed up this tall cliff...it was relatively easy, but I was still a little scared and was proud of myself for doing it.). K is our little climber and she was in heaven there. We explored "caves" and ate breakfast on the rocks.

Next, we rented a paddle boat and went out on the lake. Paddle boats are very tiring...DH did most of it, while I wrestled LD (who didn't like the life vest one bit!). It was fun, although already VERY hot! We had a canopy on the paddle boat and whomever was in the shade was okay and those in the sun were melting!

We then changed into swimsuits and went out swimming in the lake. There is nothing so relaxing as cool water on a hot day. It was a blast!

We had such a great morning and I found it so much more enjoyable than camping (I love to camp, but this was just plain easier) as I didn't have a full day of packing and unpacking and cleaning and etc. We just packed for 20 minutes and then threw everything in the washer when we got home. Much easier. We loved it so much that we decided to buy the annual state parks pass. I think it is a really good investment for our family. We love being outdoors and we love being together.
After showering, relaxing, and eating lunch....we kept going with our surprise. We once again hopped in the van and off we went, this time to the movies. It was nice to be in the air conditioning and relaxing! We were planning on taking our kids out to dinner next, but we weren't hungry yet so we decided to go spend all our money, I mean...walk around the mall. We ended up shopping for a few hours as there were lots of good deals on clothes for DH and I. (I guess we ended up having a surprise for the parents as well.)
We still weren't super hungry so we just grabbed a little bite at Wendy's and went home to crash from a very full and fun day. I think we will do surprise days more often! It was a blast and all of us have great memories from it (well, maybe not LD...he's a little too little to remember and he sure thought that we were doing funny things...like the life jacket...he just couldn't figure that one out!).
Thatsounds awesome was that MWSP?
We did that kinda stuff alot when our kids were that ageuntill Mid School age and Mutual and lots of activities
Wow. I'm exhausted just reading your post. Paddle boats, swimming and then a movie! You are so braver than I am. I didn't go outside at ALL yesterday. We never even walked to the end of the driveway to get our mail.
And, I value my sleep too much to wake the kids at 5:30! You are so wonderful to make such great memories with your kids.
I want to be like you when I grow up! ;o)
Joy: Yep...MWSP. You guessed correctly. We always have a blast there! :)
Nikko: about the sleep, the scary thing is that DH and I didn't go to sleep until after 1:00 in the first place! Are we insane?
What fun!!! You have such good ideas your kids will remember that stuff forever.
that sounds like so much fun! We've never been there, I bet my kids would like it. I guess we're not as outdoorsy except for our pool :) COme swim this week, schools almost back in and then it'll be so much harder to find the time!
Love the idea of surprise days. Sounds like fun. And I agree- way easier than camping.
Sounds like my kind of day! Memories to last a lifetime, what great parents your kids have!
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