Sometimes I just feel like an idiot mom. This morning, I kept C from school to make sure that he didn't have any issues with breakfast and to see if he was behaving normally. He was behaving great. He didn't have a fever. He hadn't thrown up for 24 hours. So, just before 10 I take him to school. But, 1:30 and the phone rings...school nurse...C has a temp of 102.7 and needs to go home. I just feel like an idiot for taking him in at all.
Aw, darnit! I can't wait for the rounds of this sickness to be over. Poor guy!
i cuncur w/ NIKKO but no Mom is an idiot we just keep learning:)
You're not an idiot! I would have done the same thing. I'm sure you didn't want C to miss any more school than necessary. Good luck and hopefully this bug passes soon!
Sorry he's sick! Unfortunately for us the "24 hour stomach bug" turned into a "3 days at least" stomach bug. The kids recovered quicker than I have. It's taken me a week! Hope he feels better soon!
You never know.
Hope he feels better soon.
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