Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flowers, Basketball, Girls' Night, To Buy or Not to Buy...That is the Question

It has been a crazy week. I am sure it is one of the craziest of my life (although I know it wasn't THE craziest, but it was crazy, crazy, crazy!). Here are some of the events of the last few days:

Flowers: Here are some pictures of my gorgeous flowers that I received for my birthday. I love them so much and they bring such joy to me. The roses are from DH. The big bouquet is from a good friend that didn't even know it was my birthday, but was thinking of me! How cool is that? The tulips are from a couple of dear friends, Jay and one of my visiting teachers. I love them all.
Basketball: C played his last game of the season Saturday. We were all very sentimental. C loves basketball so much. He had a good game, but was so frustrated since the other team was cheating and triple-teaming him. We had a teenage ref and he just didn't stop it like the adult ones do. It was not the best way to end the season, but such is life. As sad as I am, I won't miss the time that practices and games take (although it will soon be replaced again with karate, I am sure.)
Girls' Night: Friday, a couple of my friends planned a nice dinner out with some of my closest friends (including my sister!). Unfortunately another girls' night was planned for the same time and since both parties had planned it in advance, neither could change it. It was so fun. I love my friends, both those there and those not there. I feel so loved.
Finally, To Buy or Not to Buy: DH and I have been going back and forth on buying a house. We have been looking off and on for over a year. We found a house that we feel such peace about. It is about 15 miles from our current house and means a lot of changes: new ward, new schools, and further to the clinic and shopping. But, it is in the country and has one acre of trees and even a stream running through it. There is plenty of land to explore, play on, and enjoy. We have put down a deposit, taken it back, and then put down even more money. Now we still find ourselves with some questions. It is a big leap of faith and we will just have to see how the Lord leads us. We just want to trust in Him, one way or the other.
Finally, today was stake conference. It was tough. All three kids decided to be hard to handle in one way or another. Taking them to church alone has been tough and today was really hard. Yet, twice during the broadcast, right as I was thinking it was too hard to continue this way, it was if the speakers were speaking directly to me, answering my doubtful thoughts and filling my mind with some peace. What a testimony that God knows who I am.

So, a boring catch-up post, but I really want to remember all these events and I am trying to be a better blogger. :)


Alison said...

Love the flowers! I wish I could of been to the dinner :( maybe next time. I was thinking of you during the adult session on Saturday night ...

Jay said...

You're great! And 15 miles isn't THAT far. sigh.

Kathy said...

Love the flowers too! The house looks awesome, I think you should go for it, although yall will sorely be missed.

The 7B's said...

I love reading your blog!!! The house looks gorgeous. Let us know what you decide. Sounds like a hard decision but I know you will make the right one. Can't wait to see you guys. We may not come until Monday because of a conflict. We'll talk more later.

victoria said...

Fun, busy life! The house and land look great. Hope you will be able to figure all that out. I have the hardest time making decisions sometimes - like which toilet paper brand I should buy. Much love in your direction. Glad to see you were well taken care of on your birthday!

KP said...

Well, I know that you and DH will make the decision that is best for your family, but I do not wish to be in your shoes while you make the decision. The flowers are beautiful!

zeebee said...
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zeebee said...

Sorry I used your first name on that last comment.
Oh "R", your posts make me cry and long for living closer to you! You are such an amazing person and I look up to you in every way. I know your faith will continue to move you forward into even greater days in 2009. Good luck with the big decisions on house buying, wow that is a beautiful home. Promise we will come visit you soon!!!