I have a post waiting for pictures to publish about K's birthday. But, for now, my computer is dead, that is D-E-A-D. You never know how much you use it until it is gone. Yuck. Pray for its speedy recovery.
And....it is one of those couple of weeks where everything piles on at once (not even thinking about that darn computer!). In 5 days, we have the 4th of July (my FAVORITE holiday), but still hectic). In 6 days, I teach Relief Society....without a computer it is difficult to finish that lesson!). In 8 days, company starts arriving for C's baptism. In 10 days, C turns 8. In 11 days, C gets baptised. In 12 days, we leave for our family trip to see family. So, I am simultaneously getting ready for a holiday, company, a birthday, a baptism, and a road trip. And, I am trying to do all this getting ready stuff alone. It will be okay, it is just overwhelming to think about it!
So, until further notice....ta ta. Goodbye. Adios.
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
When it rains it pours! I hope you fix it soon! Yay for you coming to visit!
Comp troubles are so no fun--you may use mine anytime:)
hope all your big events go great! Sorry about the computer :(
Wow, that's a lot of stuff to plan in a short period of time! Good luck getting everything done. Sorry about the computer. That really stinks. I didn't realize how much I relied on my computer until we moved and I didn't have Internet for 2 weeks. Major withdrawals!
Maybe it died so that you have enough time to do what is needed and not be distracted by things that can be done on a computer?! Good luck with everything and have a great trip!
Love the quotes on your site. Found you by clicking Next Blog from this one ....
(teacher friend travelling and reporting her findings for us back at home) Anyway ... got intriqued by your story. Haven't read your entire blog yet, but I will. Am on holidays now. (teacher) smile ..so I have time.
ck <><
Please make time to see me while you are here. I so want to see you.
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