Last week, I had so much to blog. This week was our first week of summer and I really didn't take any pictures, so I don't have much to blog. How nice! A little bit of a break!
C did go to cub scout camp all week. I have gone and chaperoned the last two years, but, due to my pregnancy, CK went with him this time. C had a great time all week-even when it was canceled due to rain and thunder storms. :) He was so excited to have CK with him. I love the bond that they share.
We also started our summer schedule. It is working well. K finds it easier to control her attitude when she is allowed to sleep in. They also love "upstairs time." This gives the kids time to play games together or watch a show together before "bed time." It is definitely a win-win. They get a later bedtime and CK and I get time together before we go to bed to read our scriptures, watch sports on TV, finish up the dishes, etc.. They so look forward to this time. My children all do better with structure, so even a loose structure in the summer works better for our family than no structure at all. news of all....CK went up to St. Louis yesterday to get A. They flew in last night and I am so grateful to have her here with us. Our family is complete when we are all together. :)
I still struggle with the non-idealness of our family. A in St. Louis. The other three kids gone for a portion of every week with their dad. It just isn't how it is supposed to be. I long for a nuclear, intact family. But, that is not the hand I have been dealt. And-in reality, I am so blessed. I have four wonderful children and one on the way. I have a husband that treats me better than I ever could have imagined. Our marriage is amazing. After all the heartache and sorrow, I am blessed beyond measure. Life is by no means perfect. I still experience much heartache with regards to my children and their struggles. I haven't been there, but being a child of divorce is not easy. :( But, no matter the trial or the heartache, I have a loving priesthood holder husband to be right by my side, to comfort me and to inspire me. I am truly so blessed.
Island Runner
1 day ago