Happy Birthday to ME!
Yep. It is that time of year again! Time just goes so fast. Today hasn't been all that great so far. I guess that it hasn't been horrid either. Ya know....normal stuff has to be done. I was hoping to get a few minutes to read or have "me" time, but LD is being VERY clingy and won't take a nap. UGH!
I did, however, get soup, salad, and breadsticks at Olive Garden courtesy of JK, one of my best friends. Amazing how filling those fatty little breadsticks can be. I am still not hungry. It was great to be out for a little bit with friends, too. I really am so blessed.
I realized that while today might not be anything too special....I am so blessed that every day is special. I know that I have a Savior that loves me, I have a wonderful family (DH and three kiddos), I live in a wonderful country, I have a beautiful home that protects me from this darn wind (but also from rain, cold, heat, etc.), we always have enough food to eat, I have the most amazing friends ever, my sister lives close to me now, my kids have a great school to go to, etc. See...I don't need to feel like a princess on one day of the year....I get to be one EVERY day! :)
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
I adore your attitude. Happy Birthday to you. Olive Garden huh. Can you believe that I have not gone to the one in Tricities yet. I know so behind. I love your blessed list. Just sweet and pure. You just seem so nice and happy. Just another day I guess but just one year older. Hope the little one gets to bed early for you.
Happy Birthday!!!
Olive Garden... now that sounds good!!
I hope you have a wonderful day... You are truly blessed!
HAPPIEST of birthday wishes my friend! Olive Garden? If that is all I got for my birthday, it would be complete. You're right - those breadsticks are so addictively good!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear "Good Life", Happy Birthday to you!!
I love you! You are awesome :)
Olive Garden- that's always a good day!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you! My Birthday is Sunday. I get to go on a Girls Weekend with two of my dearest friends. Two nights of NO KIDS. I will miss my husband. But he's just grateful I "picked out" my own present. It's so nice when family and friends make the day so special. You don't look a day over 21.
Happy Bday! We've tried to call you a few times but haven't been successful. We will keep trying. You should feel special each and every day cause you are!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear r Happy Birthday to you!I hope it was so nice sorry about the sickees
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