Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can't Do It

Someone...anyone...tell me I can. It just seems like I can't do it anymore. Don't get me wrong...I know that happiness and peace will come....I just don't know how I will get from here to there. I guess one foot in front of the other. One day at a time.

But for now...I don't feel like I can do anymore of
  • Lots of tears at night because LD is not at his dad's house
  • Worrying about how in the world will I have enough money to put food in my kids' mouths. It just absolutely seems impossible. I have been fretting about budgets all day. In no way does it seem like there will be enough to go around
  • Kids fighting and anger because they hate this situation as much or more than I do.
  • Being the not-fun parent. He takes them out to eat. They don't have to do chores at his house. I don't take them to fun places every time I see them.
  • Worrying about the clinic I so diligently and carefully built together with DH. Not being apart of it is like tearing one of my children away.
  • Worrying about how to be a good mom when I have so many other worries.
  • Missing like crazy my best friend, confidant, business partner, lover, and soul mate.
It will pass. I know I will be okay. I am not just convincing myself, either.... I really know it will be okay. It is just hard right now to see how. Good thing the Lord sees the end from the beginning. Good thing I have so much support....so many angels in so many forms. But, for tonight....please, just tell me I CAN do this!


jenniwhit said...

You have lots of prayers and love on your side and I know you can do it and you will!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

You CAN, You can! The Lord will guide you.. He has guided you, keep the faith sweetie you can!!

shana said...

You totally can. You are a strong woman with soooooo much faith. You will work this out and be a great support to your kids as well. Hang in there. Sending lots of prayers your way!!!!

Natalie said...

You CAN do it! You WILL do it!
You are loved by many and especially by Heavenly Father.
Wish I was there to help you, but you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep going, one step at a time, one day at a time. It will get better.

Lana said...

you CAN do it, and you are doing it, and it will get better. I promise.

You are not alone, and the kids aren't. Many have walked the sad path before you. But much more importantly the Lord has walked that path and felt that pain and will not let you walk alone.

I love you.

nikko said...

You CAN CAN CAN do it. You are doing the right things. You are staying close to your Father in Heaven. Your children know that you love them and won't ever leave them.

Do what you can and try not to worry about the things that you have no control over. I know, easier said than done. Give yourself a break today and try not to think about all the things you stressed about yesterday.

Everything will work out. You are wonderful!


Holly said...

When my mother and father divorced when me and my sisters were little, it was easy to enjoy my visits with my dad, who had turned into more of a friend than a father figure, more. But now that we are all older, we realize how much quiet diligent work my mother had put forth to make sure we were still raised to be hard-working, well-rounded, grateful women. It wasnt always easy and she often was tagged as the less fun parent. But I am so grateful now for all the endless work she put forth to provide and care for us. Your babies will appreciate that too. There will never be a doubt in my mind that you can do this, because our loving Father in Heaven knows how much you CAN and CANT handle. You are ALWAYS in my prayers.

The Tall and Short of it said...

Look at all of the people who love YOU!!!!!! With all of your angels you can do this! We are not meant to do this alnone! You have Heavenly Father and US!!!

Andelin said...

I'm so sorry to read what's been going on with you lately. So sorry!! Hang in there, you can do this. Like you said, one step at a time, and pretty soon you'll see that those smiles and laughs will come a little more frequently than before. And the advantages and blessings of your situation will begin to take hold and become more and more forefront in your mind.

You are not only not alone in that the Savior and others are always there to help, but maybe you can take a bit of comfort to know that you are also not alone in this type of loneliness and heartache. There are other woman who are or have or will feel this pain. Maybe they can provide some help, support and comfort as well.

I'll pray for you all! Love you!

Robin said...

It will get easier to accept. You will be able to keep moving forward because you love your children and want whats best for them and you. There will always be a place in your heart for him, for the memories and the good times. Its ok to be sad, and then ho back up and dust yourself off and keep going in the right direction.

Kathy said...

If anyone can do this you can, because you are always the one to be a great example for me. I love you! Call me if you need to talk.

I have a good life said...
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