Sorry about the self-indulgent title. And sorry if it offended anyone out there reading this post. life is less than stellar right now. The last 48-hours have been the hardest of my life and I am certain there is more to come. That is all I have to say about that right now. I will say that I have been to the temple twice in one week. I can't remember the last time that happened...definitely before we had kids....definitely in Utah where temples are a lot closer. It was nice.

But, last night was such a fun and wonderful night. Due to my heavy personal issues I almost didn't make it. But....I was the one bringing
our dear friend for a surprise good-bye party. It is hard to have someone you love so much leave, so we were definitely not celebrating her leaving, but rather celebrating the time we have all been blessed to walk the same part of the earth at the same time. She is so amazing to me. So amazing. What is really cool is that ALL 10 of her close friends that we decided to invite came. ALL TEN! I think that is such a testament to how awesome she is, since I am certain that many had to rearrange other plans to be there and yet ALL TEN came. She will be sorely missed.

Luckily we have phones,
texting, blogging, and all sorts of technology that can help us keep in touch. Not the same as chatting in the pool or having a sympathetic eye while I cry, will help. Glad you were really surprised, L (
see her blog for some funny comments on how it all came together)! :)
Thanks to our great friend,
Joy, and her amazing camera skills for the photos!
I'm so sorry life is so tough for you. I really am. It's great that you depend on the Lord because He will always be there for you.
You are awesome and I'm glad to call you my friend.
Love n' hugs.
you are on my mind all the time... im sorry that you are having to go through all this right now. I know its not easy...
but last night was fun... and Im game to do it anytime.
You did a great job in planning and thanks for inviting me. It was sooo much fun. It may be rough for a while. Hang in there you are truley amazing. We often wonder why and then we think I can't do this.. But the Lord knows us and is always there for us.
I'm glad you had a chance to go to the temple and get out for a girl's night out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, R! ***Hugs***
Just know (and I know you do already) that you have tons of friends who love you, want the best for you, and are more than willing to help with anything you need.
I could repeat everything above as well, thanks for the great conversation today! Take care, always here if you need!
oh my heck, I look like the biggest dork ever!! I think T, L and I missed the black and white memo!! Yes, we all will miss her so much!!
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