"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about." ~Dale Carnegie
I couldn't figure out how in the world we were quite so late in getting our tree up this year! I realized that it was mostly that we went to Houston for Thanksgiving and so didn't have the couple of days afterward to really decorate the house. Here is C helping put up the tree. What you can't see is that it was after 9:00 at night on a school night. I finally decided that with all the craziness that we just had to work on it and they really wanted to help. Both C and K were very helpful and even LD didn't really destroy anything so it was a pleasant experience! DH was still working, so I really needed their help and was pleasantly surprised at how much they could do this year. My babies are growing up!
Here is the promised toothless wonder picture! Isn't it a classic? If you know C, you know this captures his personality perfectly
"Yes, Mami, I am cute in my pajamas....but did you see my mischievous grin?"
Happiness amidst the chaos. K has been wanting a miniature tree to put in her room. I actually found one at the dollar store and figured she'd like it even if it is small and cheap, but with all the stressful events of this last week, I hadn't had time to give them to them. Last night, I once again rebelled against bedtime and gave them their trees. They were so excited. I wish I could've captured the excitement to share. Hmmm....very rewarding for $3 each!
C working very hard on his little tree. He is a perfectionist and he couldn't get it quite "right" last night. It is beautiful, but he was so frustrated we almost had to just throw it in the trash.