So, today some friends from the ward called and asked if they could stop by with a "care package." I thought that they had probably just heard the news about our family situation and wanted to drop by with a plate of brownies and a hug. Well.....I got the hug, but I also got probably 3-4 weeks' worth of groceries and toiletries, totaling I am sure $200-$300 or more.
As I watched Brother S. come in with armload after armload of groceries, my first thought was "I am okay right now. I have enough food and money (for now). Why are they coming today?" a grand "Aha" moment...I realized that Heavenly Father knows how much I am worried about the future. He knows that the financial future looks bleak at best. AND...He wanted me to know that I don't need to worry...He is aware of our every need and we WILL be taken care of. I already knew this to be true, but Heavenly Father decided to emphasize it with a visual.
On a side note, I feel so amazed at Brother and Sister S. They have been so diligent in storing food that they just raided their pantry and freezer to bring me food. They also didn't know what they could do to they did what they could and with great action brought us food to sustain us. Wow. Talk about serving as the Savior did. I am impressed beyond measure.
Side Note #2: The June Ensign came today. I haven't read it yet...but I probably will tonight in one sitting. But, I did thumb through it. Almost every article directly relates to me and my family right now. It was as if the magazine had been written JUST for me. Talk about tender mercies. I am so blessed.
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
I'm so glad they did that. It saved us a lot of money
See? Everything will be fine!
Isn't the fellowship of the Gospel wonderful? I'm glad that people are surrounding you with support and love!
That is so wonderful! They are such an inspiration to me!
I pulled this form Elder Allan F. Packer's talk form Gen. Conf.
"Elder Dallin H. Oaks defined a testimony this way: “Testimony is to know and to feel, conversion is to do and to become."
They are a living example of being converted! They did the DO!! Thanks Bro & Sis S!!
You will make it!!! that was a nice thing to happen and to give hope.
you can do it, mom!i love you so are a good example and are really strong.
This just made me cry. I'm glad you are being cared for. Heavenly Father is there and will take care of you!
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