Saturday, May 22, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time there was an amazing man. He was lonely and needed a friend. Once upon a time there was an amazing woman. She was lonely and needed a friend, too. God brought them together and they became very best friends, but both ended up wishing for more. They spent hours talking together, crying together, consoling each other, rejoicing with each other, being there for each other. Then, a day came when it was time for the friendship to dwindle. Hearts were broken. After months together they had become such a part of each other's lives. But, it was time. It was time. I am the woman. My heart is breaking and once again, I find myself with overflowing tears. Yet, I know that this is how it should be. Doesn't make it any easier. One of my favorite movie quotes of all time is applicable here: "The pain now is part of the happiness then." How lucky I have been to know CK and be best friends with him the last few months. Oh, how I needed him. Oh, how I will miss him. But, oh, how I trust the Lord. His ways I will follow. The tears won't always be here, right?


nikko said...

I only had my heartbroken once before DH came along. I thought it was the worst thing in the world and I'd never recover. Now I look back and it seems so trivial.

Hopefully time will heal your heart, too!

Selita & Craig said...

No, the tears will not always be there....happier times are coming for have the strength to remain faithful :)