Yesterday was horrible. Today was great.
I realized how very grateful I am for the support of other women in my life. I started out this post with three...then four...then five...and so on. There are too many women to thank and be grateful for. Today, however, I want to express gratitude for a specific few (I tried to keep it to 5...but, as you really is 6!). These are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, just the order that they popped into my head.
I could NOT live my life without your support. I could NOT accomplish all I do without the strength of those around me. THANK-YOU.
Woman #1: My friend, J, a.k.a. The Relief Society President. I sit back with awe at the great love and wisdom she shows as she leads us by the Spirit. She is one of my favorite people and I look up to her so much. She is wise, loving, patient, organized, an awesome mom. Thanks for your love and guidance!
Woman #2: My friend, S, a.k.a. My Sister. My sister is my best friend, ever. I can totally be myself with her and I know she won't ever judge me. I can cry to her (something I can only do with one other person). She doesn't get bugged if I call her every second. She loves to talk me through all my silly thoughts and feelings. Thanks for your love and concern!
Woman #3: My friend, JK, a.k.a. Work Out Buddy. JK faithfully gets up to meet me at the gym at 5:15 in the morning, even though her best time would've been later. She motivates me to work harder and, boy!, do the hours and calories fly by when we chat. She is also such a great balance to me. Our personalities are so different and she makes me better as I try to be more laid back like her. Thanks for your love and consistency!
Women #4: My friends A and Nikko, a.k.a. Best Texas Friends. A was out of town this past week. Oh, how I missed her. She is my sounding board for everything. She is my cheerful voice of reason when all seems to be going down. She is the other person that I can cry to. Nikko is my stalwart support. She is consistent in her friendship for me and willing to do anything for me and my kids. She doesn't mind my calling just to chat even when it might not be the most convenient time. Thanks, guys, for your love and support!
Woman #5: My friend, TxMommy, a.k.a. Super Mom. TxMommy is such an example to me. She is so fun. She is so creative. She is so laid back. She is so observant. She is the best mom the world has ever had. I look up to her so much. She is also very wise. I value her friendship a great deal more than she knows. Thanks for loving me and teaching me!
This doesn't even begin to cover them all! There are so many others that I could go on forever. I have so many friends in this ward. I have awesome visiting teachers. I have so many friends throughout the country. I have such great extended family. I have so many women that support me and take care of me. I cannot do it alone and, tonight, I am grateful that I am not an island! :)
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
You are so very blessed indeed.
What a great post- It's such a blessing to have such special people in your life and I'm quite sure you are just as special to them!
Glad to see I made it onto your top 5 list. LOL. ;o)
Sorry your Monday was bad. It was nice to see you at playgroup today, even if it was just for a few minutes.
Thank you so much for telling me about that blog! You are so important to me also!! I love you, and our other friends too!! It was good to see you today!! Have a great week! See you Friday.
Amen to good friends! It's wonderful to be surrounded and supported by good people. I'm so glad you've found yourself such a great place to land in an area you didn't grow up in.
Good friends are so important!
Sounds like you've got some good ones:)
What a great post. It is so imprtant to recognise the people who make such big difference in our lives!
That is so awesome. It's so great to have friends on all different levels. Good for you for recognizing that! I'm sure they feel just as blessed to have you in their lives!
Friends are so precious
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