Tough Love #1:
It is tough to love a sports team and watch them lose.
It is all over. The Jazz lost last night. Perhaps I knew it was going to happen, as I haven't once posted about this series like I did the Houston one. All I know is that while we are so sad and wish it weren't so, in many ways I am glad: I am glad to get my evenings back (particularly all those games that end after midnight!) and I am glad that they played well enough to make it to the second round. We started off discombobulated last night. DH thought they were lackadaisical, but I interpreted them as trying too hard. It doesn't help them that one of their superstars wasn't. His points DECREASED in the playoffs. That shouldn't happen to all stars. A game or too, sure, but EVERY game? It is sad. is all over. Farewell Jazz.
Tough Love #2:
LD had to have a lesson in tough love from me this morning.
He is so strong willed. He has been throwing huge tantrums at every meal. I think it is mostly because it is my idea to call everyone to come eat, not his. He hates his high chair, but won't sit still in a regular one. He refuses to eat even his favorite foods until the rest of us are almost done eating and he finally realizes I am serious.
Well, for months he has been able to unhook and take off his own tray. This has been part of his tantruming. He takes it off and throws it on the floor. What a protest, eh? This morning, I decided it was time for him to learn. I know the experts say that Time Out doesn't work until they are two, but I had to do something, so I tried it. We use our laundry room with the door shut and the lights off for time out and call it "The Dark Room."
So, I warned him that if he threw his tray again on the floor that he would have to go to the dark room. He did. And, he did. I shut the door and set the time for a minute. I let him out, hugged him tightly, told him not to throw his tray and warned him again what would happen if he did. And, he did. And off he went to the dark room for a minute again. Let's just say it only took those two times. He understood and did not throw his tray on the floor again. He did refuse to eat, but no more trays on the floor.
And, he ate wonderfully at both lunch (he was probably STARVING) and dinner. No tray throwing. I have no doubt that he will visit the dark room again, but for now...tough love and I are friends.
Follow-up: It is now Thursday morning. He has NOT thrown his tray once since the dark room on Saturday! He has not even refused to eat like he'd been doing for a couple of weeks. I guess he is a fast learner. :)
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
awww! that is tough love! Hard lesson to learn, but looks like LD might be getting the idea :) Your a wonderful mom, keep up the great work!
Those lessons are so hard to learn. Stick to it though. You may feel like a bad mom but it's for his good. You are being a great mom.
Man, I hate when the time out has to start...
Yes that is tough
And at that age kids are stubborn
I would like to know when the stubbornness starts to wear off
It's so hard to have to seriously start disciplining when they're little. Good job sticking to it and hopefully things will start to go smoother at the table.
What TRULY kills me is that they could have won, or at least went into over time if one of the two 3 point attempts would have worked out.... *sigh**
TL #1... well, I don't like the Jazz, but I'm sorry they lost-- for your sake! :)
TL #2... well, I've been lucky that none of my kids are tantrum throwers, not to say they are perfect, but I'm lucky as far as them acting out.
I agree with the time out thing completely. I applaud you for taking action and sticking to it. More moms need to be like YOU! It's hard, but at least you are doing something about it!!
time out needs to start when other reasonable methods do not. mine started time out about then, and it works great now!
I hope your husband isn't like mine when the whole sports thing takes a nasty turn. When the Cowboys lost to the Giants last year my husband went back to his 8 yr. old days and threw tantrums everyday....I wish he was as passionate about other things as he is about sports.
It's so hard to know what to do with kids sometimes! Good luck working through the tantrums. I remember those days well! :)
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