Those that know me well know that I am a list-maker. Lose my list and I almost lose my mind. I'm not kidding. But...I have never had a schedule, particularly for my kids. I have always been very flexible about bedtimes, chores, fun, etc.. It just seemed like the right thing for them.
In the last year or so, though, I have realized that they need structure. It isn't my idea of fun, but I thought I'd try it to see if it worked. Guess what? It does! We are in our fourth week and it is working beautifully. This year we have a fairly firm afternoon / evening schedule. They love it. I love it. I don't know why we didn't do it sooner.
One thing that we are doing this year that I LOVE is having Family Services Times instead of giving them a set service to do. For instance, right after dinner is Family Kitchen Services. We all clean up the kitchen: dishes, sweeping, LD's tray, wiping down the table and counters, taking out the recycle, etc. We all work together and it gets done so fast and they aren't stuck doing the same service day after day.
Here is part of our actual schedule---it is a little hard to see, but.... itworks for us! :)
Glad it is working well.
A schedule is sometimes comforting
That's great- sometimes they just need to see it written out to make more of an impact!
Glad you found something that works for your family!
I love you and your lists!! You make me smile! I was telling someone about you lists the other day!! How funny you would post about it! I am so happy your kiddos are liking it too!
You are my list-twin! I am so glad I found someone who is like me, now I don't think I am so crazy. ;) I love your evening routine, when Jackson gets a little older we are definitely going to do something like that - especially since Ben will never be around so it will up to me! ;) You go girl!
Lists are my best friend in the whole world...I love this idea...but I love the kind you can cross even more, nothing is more therapeutic for me than a long list of things I've crossed off!
I love your routines. I wish I could get my kids to bed by 8:00 but now that they are older it's just not possible.
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