Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Such is Life

Life doesn't ever seem to go as planned.  I am sitting here feeding my baby, preparing to go to a three hour neurology / opthamology appointment.

  You see, I cannot see in my right eye.  We have been to doctors, even the ER. No diagnosis yet. No reason for this malady. 
I am very hopeful that the doctors today will either figure out what is going on, or point us in the right direction. I have faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know he knows what is going on. And, I know that he would only leave it as a trial if it would help to me or help my family.

Today, I have a number of family members and friends that are joining together to fast for me.  I feel so blessed by their love and prayers and the prayers of everyone else that is praying for me. I already can see benefits from this trial.

Hopefully soon, I can post with the answers.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hoping all went well!! Thinking of you.