Wednesday, May 30, 2007
And the run is over

Thursday, May 24, 2007
10 years! Happy Anniversary, DH!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007
What was I thinking?

Friday, May 18, 2007
No comments...
Musings of a frazzled woman

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Limo Party!

S & K waiting for the party--no clue what is to come. They thought they were just going to "hang out" at C's house!

K's Surprised look. Look carefully at her mouth.
Friends in the limo--the birthday girl is wearing the crown.

Epitome of jealousy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Misc. Wednesday
On another note, our Chiropractic Assistant is leaving us...we have two weeks to find someone new. It is very stressful, but I think we are being led to the right person and it will work out okay. The CA that is leaving us is very good, but has family issues that will be taking her out of state. Hard to be in the office and in another state at the same time. She has done well for us and we are sad to see her leave.
Last night, we ate tortillas and water for dinner and did not turn on the electricity. It was an object lesson from a previous Family Home Evening. DH wanted to help our kids be grateful for what they have. The food part did help them understand, but the no electricity and living by candles...they found that to be great fun! At least I think it is a unique memory that they will remember for a long time.

And, since I haven't posted a picture for awhile and that is my favorite part of blogging...here is Little Dan's 7-month snapshot.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
"Crying it out"
I gave him his bath, nursed him while singing "Soy Un Hijo de Dios" and then gently rocked him into his crib, reassuring him that I loved him and that I'd see him in the morning. He was mad, but calmed down quickly and was completely asleep before 25 minutes had gone by. Not too bad. And...he didn't even wake up until 6 this morning-his first time sleeping through the night. I have my fingers crossed that this wasn't just a fluke...but that this will really help him to sleep better by not having to nurse to fall asleep!
Day #2: 18 minutes; woke up at 5:30
Day #3: 7 minutes; woke at 6:30
Day #4: LESS THAN ONE MINUTE OF CRYING!!!! :) ; woke at 3:30
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Go Jazz! Goldfish and a new baby
Last night we got together with some friends to watch a Game 7 match up between the Houston Rockets and the Utah Jazz. As many of you know, we are HUGE Jazz fans! The game, however, was in Houston and we thought it was a sure loss...time to "go home." But, we were wrong! It was the best game in all senses of the word...very, very close with the Jazz pulling it out at the end. I am so proud of them, how they kept their composure even when Houston made their runs, how the whole team contributed at crucial times, and how they really wanted the game. Their hustle was outstanding. They play again tomorrow night! Go JAZZ!
We bought our second and third pets yesterday, actually the kids bought them and all their accessories...goldfish (K named hers Crystal Light and C named his Goldfish with the Big Black Eyes). We bought them prior to heading to the Jazz game, so we set out some water to get room temp and got everything preliminarily ready. When we got home, it took forever to set it all up, but we finally did and the fish seemed very happy and acclimated in their new home. The kids were smiling from ear-to-ear and we were finally going to bed at 1 am. Guess what, though? If you are a previous goldfish owner, you probably know the answer....we woke up not even six hours later to two dead fish! -sigh- What a waste of time and money (although they are guaranteed for 90 days!)
Little Dan learned to do these four new things this week...all within the span of 24 hours. I swear he is a different baby than before: He sits without support, he can actually release food into his mouth (before he could pinch it up and get it in his mouth, but could not let go of it), he crawls the traditional way now instead of his custom crawl, and he pulls up onto anything and everything. I can't believe he is sooooooooooo big. I love him even though his new nicknames are Terror Terror and Monster Baby.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Senior Year Meme
1. Who was your best friend? Aimee. We were two peas in a pod. We planned our "free" periods together for senior year. We went to play practice after school together (We were the only two to be involved in every single play production throughout our four years in HS). We went home after play practice together and then...when we got to our own houses, we talked on the phone forever. This changed a little with boyfriends, but not too much. They usually just tagged along with us. The only place she didn't go with me was seminary. (6 am was too early for her...especially not being LDS)
2.What sports did you play Senior Year? None-unless church basketball counts. I opted not to play church softball or volleyball that year.
3.What kind of car did you drive? My parents' stick shift mini-van. We only had one car, but my parents were VERY good about letting me drive it all over. Looking back, I wonder how many times they had places to go, but I got to take it with my friends to a cast party or a church dance.
4. It's Friday night, where were you? On a date with Rick...unless it was a play performance weekend..then I was there and at a cast party.
5. Were you a party animal? Not in the traditional sense. I hung out a lot, had a lot of friends, and went to cast parties...but I never joined in the drinking and etc.
6. Were you considered a flirt? Yes. I thought I was just "friendly," but it sure made my boyfriends jealous, so I guess I probably was a flirt.
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Nope.
8. Were you a nerd? Three AP classes my senior year---I guess I was a nerd.
9. Did you get suspended or expelled? No
10. Can you sing the fight song? No. Fight songs weren't a big deal in my High School
11. Who were your favorite teachers? My calculus teacher, Ms. Brooks. The theatre advisor, Ms. Frank.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? Either Aimee's house or my house. We both lived close to the school. When we went home, we usually brought a whole bunch of friends with us.
13. What is your schools full name? BHS
15. Did you go to Prom? Of course! It was so fun! We ate up at a very expensive restaurant up on the mountain. I remember being scared that we'd have to wash dishes to pay for the meal...since it was so expensive, but my date had planned well. After Prom, our school always has JAM (Just After Midnight) where the school is totally transformed...you don't even know where in the school you are-it looks that different and the kids are locked in from midnight to 5 am. There are a billion games, from "gambling" to sumo wrestling to Karaoke, and more than you could ever eat or drink. There's a fake wedding ceremony for the Prom dates to join in. It was a blast!
16. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Nope. I had such an awesome high school life that I am afraid I'd mess it up!
17. What do you remember most about graduation? Singing with senior choir.
18. What was your fav. class? Student Council or math, of course!
19. Where were you on senior skip day? The zoo. A funny place for a group of high schoolers to ditch to, but we did!
20. Did you have a job your senior year? After graduation I did...I worked at Good Times, a brand new local burger stop.
21. Where did you go most often for lunch? home
22. Have you gained weight since then? Do I really have to answer that? Haven't we all? (yes, I have)
23. What did you do after graduation? Went to a million senior parties, including my own. Then, I think I spent the evening with my boyfriend...but I can't remember for sure. I am certain I was with either Aimee, Rick, or both.
25. Who was your Senior prom date? Rick K. He asked me to Prom in the most romantic way. I was light manager of a million plays so I was considered light guru of the school. A friend came running down the hall, saying that the principal needed me immediately in the light room (this had happened many times before)...so I went up there. When I got there, the door was already open and there was a note on the spotlight saying "Turn on the spotlight. Don't move it. Just turn it on." When I did, Rick was on the stage with a dozen roses and a big sign saying "Will you go to Prom with me?" Now isn't that sweet? He wasn't my boyfriend at the time, but became my boyfriend in the weeks prior to Prom, so by the time Prom came around, we'd been dating awhile.
26. Are you going to your 10 year reunion? I went to it last a few years ago. It was awesome. I wish that more of my friends had been there, but I had a great time with those that I got to reconnect with.
27. Who was your home room teacher? I don't think we had home room.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Big Changes
- I have a new calling: Compassionate Service Leader.
- I cut 12-14 inches off my hair.
- We bought a Honda Odyssey. It is really nice with power doors, DVD, Leather. We love it.
I have so much to post now, I could write a novel...but the aforementioned house is also needing attention and Little Dan is actually sleeping, so I will post a few pictures of my head (I am sunburned from all the van shopping) and the van
(sorry it is so dark...not a very good representation of the van) and one from C's race where he biffed it right at the beginning. This is his wound.
He fell early on and was at the end of the pack, but by the time the whole mile was run...he came in about 20th out of all the Kindergarteners. Not bad. He is a good runner. I think he could have won without the fall. K came in 5th of all the 2nd grade girls (here she is coming towards the finish line all alone!).
She did a great job and really pushed herself hard.
One more note...I am now down 13 pounds! How exciting!