Saturday, May 19, 2007

What was I thinking?

Word to the wise: Don't combine merely 4ish hours of sleep with tons of things that are URGENT to be done with your business with Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul.

C had a sleepover here last night and LD and I are sick and I am still working for the clinic like mad...thus the no-sleep. Then, we have a million things that HAVE to be I am still working constantly at the clinic like mad. (We have missionaries for dinner we usually try to have a clean house...but, I guess they'll see it less-than-perfect this time: I have to stay at the clinic until midnight again tonight...when, thankfully, it becomes the Sabbath and I refuse to work on the Sabbath!)

Then, while trying to get LD to sleep (made more difficult since he is sick) I read a couple of stories from the Chicken Soup book DH gave me for Mother's Day. Now I am just in tears as I consider my children growing up! I love them so much and wish I could make time go slower instead of faster. I will even miss K talking back, C needing A LOT of help with little tiny "owies," and LD spitting up lovely orange squash all over my almost-white carpet!

DH and I are really trying to find ways to minimize the hours we are working...and hopefully we can as I really don't want to turn around and find my kids grown and wish I'd been there more. But this week, my aunt and uncle are coming from out-of-town for a couple days, we have field days at school, we are still training our temp employee, and we are going out-of-town ourselves this weekend! Sometimes its just too much!

Here are some pictures from C's sleepover (K was at a sleepover party with her friend S).


nikko said...

Ugh. Your life sounds so stressful right now. Hang in there. I saw both of your vehicles at the clinic this afternoon when I drove by. Please remember to take a little tiny bit of time for yourself each day (oh, and some SLEEP!!!) so I don't have to worry about you!!!

Lana said...

do you want me to meet you at the clinic at night and help you? I can.

YOu're a great mom.

Joyismygoal said...

We could all help if you think you can let us That is what this life is all about helping and serving and enjoying our families.