Today was our annual primary program (where the children 3-12 present the service...singing and saying speaking parts). It was wonderful. C had his scripture memorized and did great. K went up to do her talk and started reciting it from memory...I wondered why she would try to recite it from memory. When we were driving home, however, I wondered no more. She'd left her talk in the car and didn't realize it until the program had begun. I even had an extra copy for her in my scriptures, but it was too late. When she figured it out, she said that she started to cry, then said a prayer and did the best that she could from memory. I was so proud of her. She only had practiced it 2-3 times (since she was planning on reading it) and yet she was composed as she spoke and remembered most of what she'd written. Way to go, K!
On a different note, LD fell asleep in the car on the way home from church. He slept in his crib for a while then woke up and is now back asleep in my arms. There is nothing quite like a sleeping baby/toddler in your arms! :)
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
That's awesome that she had the composure to pray about it and then the courage to go up and do it to the best of her ability!
Good thing you didn't know what was happening- I bet you would have been so nervous for her!
A good memory is worth a lot and courage too.
Yes I agree there is nothing like a sleeping child
Very impressive.
I love sleeping babies.
Way to go K! How cool that she prayed, and did a fantastic job!!
I love sleeping babies too :)
On a side note, I'm up at the Y working out most mornings at 8am now (except tomorrow) So if you want to come have a companion, and motivation, I'm there! :)
Sometimes I want to make them take care of themselves, and sometimes I take the time to just hold them b/c I won't be able to hold them while they sleep forever.
Tell K she did a great job!
What, no pictures? Very impressive that she kept her cool under pressure. My girls would have been weeping sacks of jello in similar circumstances.
Holding sleeping babies is nice. I wish Kevin would sleep well tonight, but not likely with a raging ear infection. Oh well.
she's so smart in more ways than one
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