I love Mondays. I always have. After the rejuvenation of the Sabbath, I just feel like I can accomplish anything. This weekend was especially wonderful as it was Stake Conference. Loved it! :)
Today was super busy. I think I will be ready for a bath and an early bedtime tonight. I got up early and showered and did dishes. I vacuumed. I watched my friend's newborn while she went to the dentist. I made three loaves of bread. Then, I headed out to Lowe's and Home Depot (my two favorite stores!) and bought stuff to build a trellis for the vine plants of my garden, as well as a new edger. We came home, had a late lunch, played Connect 4. Then, while LD slept, I read my scriptures, mowed the lawn, edged it and trimmed it (with the NEW edger!) and fertilized the yard. Next, I finally put the Christmas boxes in the attic. They are heavy and I was worried that I was going to end up falling with the boxes on top of me, but I made it in one piece! I then reorganized the garage a little and swept it.
See...super duper busy. Life doesn't get any better than this, does it? I love Mondays.
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
I have always loved Mondays, too. I was at HD today around lunchtime, too, buying paint for the porch and some gravel. Fun stuff!
my word verification: shizing! Shazam! Shizing!
Reading your post makes me feel downright lazy! ;)I spent my Monday sitting at doctors' offices.
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