Today I headed out to mow the backyard grass (affectionately known as the jungle). Between the downpours before our vacation and the time away from had not been mowed in awhile (Don't worry the front was mowed...we won't be headed to code-infraction court anytime soon). LD decided napping wasn't a good plan this morning and I had other things to do as I didn't get out there until 10 o'clock. It was already hot, really hot. By the time LD woke up and started screaming I was sunburned, tired, and drenched in sweat. I came in, calmed LD and left him with the big kids, and headed for the shower.
Now, showering is nothing new to me. I shower daily. It feels good, but mostly it is a matter or routine and personal hygiene (I'm a poet today!). But...on days like today...being clean never feels so good as when you've been so dirty! Washing off the particles of dust, grass, probably some poor fire ant parts that were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and sweat felt incredible.
It really made me reflect. I think that someday I will have the opportunity to face my Savior and thank him for making it possible to be so clean when I felt so dirty. And, it will feel so good.
On another note, I apprehensively stepped on the scales for the first time in a few months. I did lose those nine pounds in April/May. But..that was BEFORE my walking buddy traded me in for a local gym, my kids got out of school, my stress level with the clinic skyrocketed (and I am Queen Stresseater--no matter how hard I try---Give me Stress and I will EAT!), and I went on vacation (vacation=fast food on the drives, eating out to "celebrate" with friends and family, and lots of together-time eating). So, I expected to be back to square one with the weight losing...SURPRISE! I had lost an additional ten pounds since my last weighing in May! YIPPEE! Now I am down 19! Only 20 more to go to be where I want to be (although honestly ten would make me feel pretty darn good!).
Island Runner
2 days ago