Sunday, July 22, 2007

Trip Day 12: July 11, 2007: Resting, Preparing, and Visiting

We began Wednesday July 11th by visiting my dad's work (grandpas love to show-off grandkids to their co-workers). The kids loved it as he works in a library and they got to see some behind the scenes stuff-perfect for an aspiring librarian. Then my mom took the kids home and I got to go eat lunch with Aimee. It was awesome to be together with her. Most of you just don't understand the bond that she and I had (and still do, although time and distance have changed it a lot). In high school we were the only two to be in every play production. We planned our "free" periods to be together. We ate lunch together every day, went to play practice together every day, went to each other's houses every day, and then talked on the phone every night. She is the one that kept me on the "straight and narrow." She and I are different religions, but we have the same values and always supported each other and did things like left the cast parties before the drinking began (or got too out of hand). We also made sure we dated good guys and kept each other accountable for good dating habits. I love her so much and this lunch was a great blessing to me. It was also nice that my mom had the kiddos so that we weren't distracted.

During the afternoon, I packed, took a nap, and watched as my kids spent 5+ hours playing outside again. I guess that it made me wish we lived in Colorado (or at least had a more established home with mature trees here in Texas).

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