Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some kids don't look good with....

Short hair. I gave my boys haircuts last night. It is only the third time that I've cut LD's hair. C looks super cute in an almost buzz. It looks so springy/summery and he's always looked cute with it. So, last night, I decided to cut LD's hair the same way. Big Mistake. It does not look good on him at all. Maybe it is that his hair is lighter or his head is shaped funnier...I don't know the reason. I just know I don't like it and I can't wait for it to grow out. DH doesn't really like it on LD either, but likes it on C. Oh well. Thank goodness it grows back. But never again.
Speaking of LD, he is either sick, has allergies, or is teething (or all three). I know his molars are coming in, but his nose is runny like a fountain. It is all clear, but the poor dude can't breathe, which means he doesn't sleep well, which means...guess who else didn't sleep well!?!


Cheri said...

Oh how I feel your pain- perfect timing- go read my blog and you'll understand!

Jan said...

He looks cute to me. I know how you feel though. But at least hair grows back. Hope he gets feeling better too.

Andelin said...

My neice "trimmed" my daughter's hair a week or so ago and there wasn't much to cut but she cut too much. It made me really sad that the little she'd had was hacked off. I don't know what she was thinking. I'm still forgiving her for it and at the same time willing her hair to grow fast!

I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well. We dealt with that last week. I'm so grateful that things got back to normal quicker than I thought they would once those two teeth poked through.

Our Family said...

It's buzz city at our house. My husband even wants one...then he won't have "helmet hair" he tells me. (I'd rather him have the helmet hair.) Your little boy looks adorable. The haircut will "grow" on you. And it will grow back too. But I think it looks cute.

victoria said...

He looks cute to me! Every kid has to have a good hair-whacking now and then.

Jess said...

It's always amazing to me how much our little boys' lives parallel each other. Kevin also recently got his cut very short. It makes them look so "grown up" doesn't it? I guess it's better than little boys with hair so long and shaggy they look like girls. As soon as it grows a tiny bit, maybe you could try spiking it with gel like we're doing with Kevin's?

Kevin is also teething (or something) because he's got all the same symptoms as LD. He cried all day today on top of everything else. Let's pray both boys get past this stage soon!