Okay...another depressing post. Stop reading NOW if you don't want to hear it.
Okay...still reading....So, will there ever be a point I stop crying? What in the world could DH want that I didn't give him? How could he do this to his children? What is the point? What could be better than the love of your family and the security of a home together? I don't understand. It seems pointless to go on with life when the one that is supposed to protect you betrays you and the one you love most in the whole world decided he doesn't love you and doesn't want you. What could I have given him more?
Sorry. It just feels better to vent.
What Are You Working On?
2 weeks ago
Sorry, sweetie. None of us can answer those questions for you. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and head down the path that you are being led. Heavenly Father will protect you and lead you and guide you...
it seems when people have a life that is led by the adversary nothing they do makes sense. White is black, Light is Dark, Right is Wrong, and nothing you can say to them will convince them otherwise.Satan carefully leads them away with FALSE promises of a better life. The only thing that will confirm to them what they are doing is wrong is the Spirit, so all we can do is pray those people will one day pay attention to it and turn around. The real shame is the people they hurt along the way, like you my dear friend, for that I am sorry. Remember, God compensates every loss we experience here on Earth. Keep your chin up.
You don't know me but I do read your blog occasionally and on this one occasion, I thought MAYBE I can help. I was where you are not so many years ago and the answer is yes, you will stop crying but first you have to accept that your life is different now. If you continue to ask why to the questions that no one can answer then you can not accept what is, and move forward. I know its hard, I have two boys and I had to do it with them which made it harder because I had to help them understand something that I didn't even really understand myself. You have to lean on your faith and your friends and know that there is something better for you ahead. Just hold your head high, be proud of what you have accomplished so far and know that you CAN do this.
I feel the exact same way. Same questions but no answers. Might as well not ask. In my opinion you are doing what is right and that is all that matters. Keep going. Your beautiful kids need you!
It is so hard to not take it personally, but you can't. It was NOT your fault. There was something wrong with him that had nothing to do with you or the kids and unfortunately you and your kids are the innocent bystanders in all this. It is so not fair, but it is a dark road to go down if you take it personally.
When I went through this, I thought it was because I wasn't attractive or something. I did horrible things to myself to make myself feel attractive, and I still have self-confidence issues. I hope you couldn't possibly think you could be more wonderful than you already are. You are an AMAZING person!! I look up to you so much! In fact, in my RS lesson the other day I even talked about how welcome I felt in a new ward because a sweet sister (I didn't say who, but I was talking about you) recognized a new face and continued to say hi every week.
I don't know why he walked away from a stable, loving home for the unknown, but that is his loss, literally and spiritually. Just don't do that to yourself!!
I hope this helps! Lova ya!!
Vent all you need to.
It all makes no sense some of the choices people make. It's sad when those choices affect others- especially children.
I know that it will get better. Eventually it will.
Don't feel bad about venting here. This is your forum and we all love you and support you. You are really an amazing person. His choices really have nothing whatsoever to do with who you are or anything you did. He is the one who is making poor decisions and being deceived by the promise of "something better." Love you.
You need to vent. You need to grieve. Doing both is healthy and the RIGHT thing to do. I know we are crying over different things, but my tears are still coming, too, and I've decided it's ok. I wish I were around to wipe yours from your face though. Some how, you and I will BOTH get through this.
I stumbled across your blog and I am truely sorry for what is happening in your life. I am also going through the same thing. This "Another sad one" post sounds just like me. My husband decided to take a different path in life which did not include me. we have 2 little girls together and I am just devastated by what has happened. I will keep you in my prayers. God will get us through this as long as we place it all in his hands.
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