"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."
I am filled with lots of "why" questions this morning and pain beyond imagination. Yet, I know the Lord is in control. I don't understand why he does what he does when he does it, but I know he is in control. I know he will guide my life in the path that it needs to go, even when I cannot see why.
Island Runner
5 days ago
I feel bad for you with the pain in your back - that makes coping with anything that much harder. But you have been on such a good road.....and your scripture for today says it all "lean not on your own understanding" and this too shall pass - stay strong :)
Hey Ben is home this weekend, so if you need anything, I can get it for you! I have to go to Wal-mart tomorrow so let me know if you need me to get you anything. I would LOVE to do it, so please let me if you do need anything at all!!! Sounds like you need rest, rest, rest and more rest, plus maybe some heat and ice packs? (I hear they sell those at Wal-mart, hahaha)
On another note, I never thought of myself as a strong person at the time, but looking back I can see that I had to go through some tough things. The toughest & most frustrating challenges for me were the ones that limited my freedom and forced me to trust in the Lord. Sounds like that is your latest challenge, too. Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time, but think how much stronger you will be when you pass through this yet another trial!
Hey, I'd love to talk with you soon. I'm free most of Saturday and the afternoon on Sunday. And I have a song I wrote for that scripture. I bet you'll like it!
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